Tom delonge quotes
Explore a curated collection of Tom delonge's most famous quotes. Dive into timeless reflections that offer deep insights into life, love, and the human experience through his profound words.
Whether it's at their job, or their family, whatever - everyone feels that they're stuck in some kind of struggle. The idea is how to find your way out of it.
So many artists today will talk about green this or organic that, but you know what? What we are eating, I think, is really doing a lot of bad to us. I'm not sure if I'm the guy to do it right now, because I have to clean up my house too, so to speak, but we've got to start addressing this. Too many people are getting sick today.
I've never been a jam-band sort of musician.
I used to get so jealous if my wife liked another band more than my own. Come to think of it, I still do.
I used to drink a lot of beer, but I was just getting fat as can be. Now that we've had a little success, I can afford to drink wine.
My dad has had a rare form of leukemia since I was in about 7th grade.
Most bands, if something goes wrong, they cower and walk off stage and fire people.
The Angels shows are really intense. We play for a couple hours at a time. They're very theatrical and full of audience interaction and emotion. I've seen a lot of people crying and stuff. It's a little bit like church, but it's very secular.
I was kicked out of middle school a few times. This guy who was kind of a d*** and a bully got hit by a car. I jumped up and went, YEAH Apparently that wasnt cool with some people cause I got kicked out.
I know how big Blink are and I know the legacy with it and everything, but Angels & Airwaves, to my heart and to the people who like it, this is the release of my life.
But those guys (on 'Idol') will never be known for defining a generation of young suburbanites like (blink) did.
I have to make music. If I don't do it, I go crazy.
You'll always see me doing things that I have no business doing. Whether it's directing a major motion picture or meeting with the most important people in government and dealing with the biggest subjects on Earth. The story of the millennia. These are things I aspire to tackle. It doesn't mean I'm going to win on all of them, but God damn, it looks like I've got a pretty good shot at it.
All the selling out talk is really overrated, the funny thing is it hardly ever comes from bands, it comes from some kid who thinks they're so punk because they have a purple mohawk
You’ve got to not only love yourself for who you are with all your mistakes, but you’ve got to love the world for what it can bring you if you have the right attitude
I will eat anything Mexican - a sombrero, hacienda... anything. Theyve perfected the combo of bread items and the grill.
I'll eat a nugget of my own poop for 20 bucks. I'll pay you 20 bucks and I'll eat it.
Records aren't selling anymore; people are burning music.
When I write in the studio, I tend to gravitate toward the ability to play really loud, aggressive, post-punk stuff, with big, heavy guitars and a big rock drum sound.
When you see opportunities in your life, you've got to analyze, 'Why was that choice given to me?
I just wanna see a UFO, really
I have to be able to stick to very dedicated times to work on things, do exactly as I say I'm going to do, show up when I say I'm going to show up and focus that's the only way I've been able to pull off everything last year but I'm hoping I'll never have to do that again, it's a hell of a lot of work that's for sure.
Angels and Airwaves shows are like an ascension to Heaven.
Dreams are things that could potentially be treating you as a pupil to teach you things so when you wake up, you'll be able to handle certain elements from those dreams in a better way.
Do what you like and do it honestly.
Maybe I do wanna become a woman, so what is the crime in that?
I'm not gay, a lotta people think I'm gay. I have a girlfriend. She thinks I'm gay.
Every day, I read books on philosophy and science fiction and human consciousness.
I think that you can say you love somebody like in a relationship, but I also think that to feel love for somebody else or for another human is more about a living being to a living being, a totally different thing. I don't know if people will ever totally understand what that word means until we die.
They say Einstein died while he was still trying to figure out gravity. I think I'm going to die still trying to figure out some of the things about Blink.
I think I might get laid my dad.
I'm a huge stadium rock fan, but I'm also a fan of everything from Massive Attack to Peter Gabriel, U2, the Police, Radiohead, and Coldplay.
My company created a platform called Modlife, this prepackaged website that runs an artist's website.
I'm sick of being known as the sexy guy that writes great songs.
I think that the needs in human life will change and grow and evolve. I do think that that the importance will always be grander than you would ever believe them to be.
There's a time in your life where you're not quite sure where you are. You think everything's perfect, but it's not perfect... Then one day you wake up and you can't quite picture yourself in the situation you're in. But the secret is, if you can picture yourself doing anything in life, you can do it.
I think my records will always tend to be approachable.
You should follow your passions, you know? And you should make sure you do something you love. That's all I've learned, is that if you're doing something you love you'll work harder at it and make it happen, I can promise you that.
Angels and Airwaves is a complete, pure reflection of who I am. The philosophy, the spiritualism, the esotericism, the idea of hope and space and the themes about life and grandeur that's all me.
I've been abducted and probed in the anus. On purpose.
I might be a dork, but I don't want to be a jerk.
My whole life has been completely about being underestimated. I remember when Blink signed to a major label, and we had a debut party for the signing. No one came to party, only the guy that signed us. And I remember sitting there, like, "S**t, no one likes this."
I've realized that I love all forms of music and get excited when any artist goes crazy and creates something that is an experience.
I've masturbated like 5 times in the last 24 hours... it hurts... it's going to fall off.
All I can say is hold on, and prepare.
It's actually cool to be positive and optimistic and idealistic. It's cool to see yourself doing beautiful, great things.
There are possibilities that dreams are our little windows upon a parallel timeline.
I think there are a lot of different things that dreams do for the individual and they're fascinating because it's not totally known what they do, but we have some science that is opening the door to a new world as we speak.
Im not gay, but the man in my bed last night was.
I don't listen to punk any more, unless it's right before I play. Not that I don't like it, it's nostalgic. But, it's for kids and it should be it's not art, it's expression.
I would lose straight away if I went on 'American Idol.
Geometric shapes hold an energy pattern, and scientists did some experiments which say certain geometric shapes can affect matter around them. It's simply because when a human looks at a shape, they instantly receive energy from their brain.
You don't even wish for the success that I had, because you don't think it's attainable.
I love to deliver orgasms to the masses!
If I had my own world I'd build you an empire from here to the far lands to spread love like violence!
I believe that working independently will give artists the ability to communicate the full extent of their art and not just a piece of it that might sell.
'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' is the best movie for a guy like me. A cerebral adventure. A moving story. A bunch of little green men.
I'm hoping that people should hopefully give me another chance to dream big and to deliver on those dreams.
Music is good when it makes you dance. Music is great when it makes you who you are
I think that one of the reasons that we chose the word love as the subject is because your human connection and how you affect everybody around you, you'll only understand the gravity of that as you pass later on in life. I think as artists it's our ability to communicate that in certain ways.
We don't want to act like adults. Anybody who can stay in a state of adolescence will be much better off later on. Look at people who are working nine-to-five jobs out of college, and look at professional skateboarders or guys in punk bands. See who's having more fun.
If artists slowly learn how their business works, they'll have the ability to grow at any rate they can dream up, but they'll also have the ability to control the message whatever that might be.
Spending so much time on the road, I get to fart all the time. Then when it's, like, Thanksgiving dinner and I'm sitting with my grandmother, I can't fart for, like, two hours.
People are different when they're 30 than they are when they're 16.
I would love to come to Auckland. That's a place I've been quite a lot with my band so I'm very much looking forward to it.
It's all success if it's what you need.
Humor has become so cliche and boring that nothing's funny anymore unless it involves something totally disgusting that offends somebody or makes them feel really uncomfortable.
My dad has had a rare form of leukemia since I was in about 7th grade. But they've come up with some amazing drugs since then and he's doing really well today.
The compass represents spirituality, no end and no beginning....the ruler represents 'tangible evidence' ... a measurable event... both coming together shall represent a Human Being...the intersection of life and consciousness.
The only reason in the world that I bought a computer was to look up UFO sites.
I applaud anyone who thinks I'm good-looking and invite them into my world.
When you work with a major label they create their own message for you and a lot of the time that works great, or at least it did back in the 90's but now it doesn't work, so I think as an artist if you learn your own business, like anybody would when they want to start a little restaurant - they'd figure it out and then build it and they work hard - then it could be your own little business that you grew to as big as you want it to be but you had much more control with how to communicate it and how it's cared for.
Playing music in the wake of the Blink thing was like finding love in the middle of a war zone.
Everyone I talk to says stuff like, 'Music sucks today,' and I'm going to try and change all that.
In ten years I will become president of the United States Of America.
We just write down a bunch of words, and pray to god they make sense. And if we don't, it doesn't matter, we're artists.
I always want to do different things. I'm always obsessed with trying to do different things.
Life is a search for yourself.
I grew up skateboarding, but I don't even do that anymore.
When we realize how little we mean to the universe, we realize how important we are to each other
Like millions of others, I have been plagued by the devastating effects of cancer hitting not one, but multiple members of my family.
The labels can't do anything for a band anymore - they're stuck and they have no money and they're just holding onto contracts that have existed from a time where there were resources.
There are far too many people out there who take themselves too seriously.
If you try to fix violence with violence, you do NOTHING but create violence.
I think that people feel they know what love means, it's probably one of the most used words in the world but has the most completely different definitions from one person to another.
In leaving negativity behind, you find something beautiful.
When there are no lyrics there are many parts of the imagination that can fill in the meanings of the music, so I strongly believe that it can be more powerful at times.
The first song I sent over was Up All Night. People say that sounds like Angels on a Blink record. Well, no - that's just me!
'Love' has that Kubrick tonality to it, but this is not a Stanley Kubrick movie - there will never be another. At the same time, 'Love' has a modern feel. For example: In one scene, these astronauts go through a wormhole sequence, and you feel like you're being slapped around inside your head by a sonic boom.
I don't get boy bands these days. Thye don't write their own songs and everything is choreographed from their dance moves to how they have sex with each other after the show.
There are lots of things that I'm always pulling inspiration from.
You can do anything you want. And you can be anything you want. And you can feel anything you want. But there's only one thing you need to do, and that is: have the slightest vision to see it. Because if you can't see it happening, then it will never happen
When we started Angels Airwaves, we wanted to produce our art on different mediums, but the film was an ambitious one because we actually didn't go into it thinking we could make a big feature film.
I don't believe that I'm better than anybody, but I do believe that I'll try harder than most and I hope that people just join me for a little bit of a ride.
I think dreams hold a lot of meaning. I believe that if the universe is truthfully infinite then there are infinite possibilities for dreams to be happening somewhere out there.