Tim kaine insights

Explore a captivating collection of Tim kaine’s most profound quotes, reflecting his deep wisdom and unique perspective on life, science, and the universe. Each quote offers timeless inspiration and insight.

You should live fully and with enthusiasm, the commands of your faith, but it is not the role of the public servant to mandate that for everybody else.

I'm really, really worried about the Trump team, and I want people on the team who I think are adults who have judgment and won't do anything stupid.

Governor Pence said, inarguably, Vladimir Putin is a better leader than President Obama.

Losing a son, losing a daughter, a brother, a sister, losing a close friend - it can go beyond grief to isolation and feeling despair.

I'm a gun owner. I'm a strong second amendment supporter.

I can be president of the United States, and if I can do that, I can do anything.

Race to race, the Republicans are putting up candidates that are quite far out of the mainstream in terms of should we have passed the Civil Rights Act or does Social Security need to exist.

I think life is sacred, whether it's abortion or the death penalty.

I am so proud to be running with another strong history-making woman, Hillary Clinton, to be president of the United States. I'm proud because her vision of stronger together, building an economy that works for all, not just those at the top, being safe in the world, not only with a strong military, but also strong alliances to battle terrorism and climate change, and also to build a community of respect, just like Barbara Johns tried to do 65 years ago. That's why I'm so proud to be her running mate.

The permanent institutional expertise class is now no longer the legislators, it's the lobbyists who don't have term limits and are there forever.

People shouldn't be afraid to bring up issues of bias in law enforcement.

The key was disclosure, and nobody has ever raised a concern that anybody who contributed, whether a campaign contributor or a gift giver, ever got anything for it.

Donald Trump always puts himself first.

So get this. On 9/11, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's hometown was attacked by the worst terrorist attack in the history of the United States. Young men and women - young men and women signed up to serve in the military to fight terrorism. Hillary Clinton went to Washington to get funds to rebuild her city and protect first responders, but Donald Trump was fighting a very different fight. It was a fight to avoid paying taxes so that he wouldn't support the fight against terror.

I'm not going to change my religious practice to get one vote, but I know how to take an oath and uphold the law, and if you elect me I will uphold the law.

I think it actually strengthens your critique when you aren't just "no" on everything.

Despair is a natural emotion.

It is so painful to suggest that we go back to think about these days where an African-American could not be a citizen of the United States.

One of the reasons people love Joe Biden is he just kind of says what he thinks. He's a guy whose heart is on his sleeve, and that's one of the things people love about him.

You know, boy, America is a closely divided country.

The thing about an executive order - there has never been an executive order that a Congress couldn't say, "You know, we don't like that so we're going to do something else," if there is a majority in Congress to do something else.

I will always be a partner with the president of the United States.

In the wake of Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state, where she was the architect of the Obama administration's foreign policy, we see entire portions of the world, particularly the wider Middle East, literally spinning out of control.

I'm not going to be anybody's punching bag.

Hillary and I will do immigration enforcement and we'll vet refugees based on whether they're dangerous or not. We won't do it based on discriminating against you from the country you come from or the religion that you practice.

If you think, what was the last really big, big accomplishment for the nation that came purely out of the legislature? It might be the Americans with Disabilities Act. I mean that really was a legislative creation.

It's important to use executive orders. Every president since Washington has.

I trust Hillary Clinton as president and commander in chief, but the thought of Donald Trump as commander in chief scares me to death.

I am a Bob Dylan fan.

I am a lover, not a fighter.

The best way to deal with the deficit is through economic growth.

Tim Kaine is your friend's dad who catches you smoking weed at a sleepover and doesn't rat you out but talks to you about brain development.

Donald Trump doesn't have a plan. He said, I have a secret plan, and then he said, um, I know more than all the generals about ISIS. And then he said, I'm going to call the generals to help me figure out a plan. And finally he said, I'm going to fire all the generals. He doesn't have a plan. But he does have dangerous ideas.

I just want to serve people. I know it sounds like a simple cliche.

If faith is your motivation, share that.

The way you make communities safer and police safer is through community policing.

I'm very, very serious about my Catholicism and Hillary Clinton views that as a real asset. And we've talked about our faith lives, as she asked me to be on the ticket with her.

The current situation in Iraq is ultimately a crisis of governance, which has allowed extremist groups to take advantage of disillusioned segments of the Iraqi population.

Most evil in the world is only partly because of an evil person. Most of it is because of the complicity of bystanders.

The American economy has always been the innovator in the world, and we're starting to see some tremendous increases in innovation, especially in the clean energy sector.

The Trump administration has done some bad stuff in the international realm, picking needless fights with allies like Mexico and Australia, even using some idiotic and intemperate language about Iran, but there was one thing they did about Iran that I agree with. Which is if Iran is testing anti-ballistic missiles, it's in violation of a UN Security Council resolution. And we can't ignore that ... And they did condemn the anti-ballistic missile test. And I think they're right about that.

If you just fight against everything willy-nilly, then the message is you're just gonna obstruct on anything. I would rather fight very, very hard on matters of fundamental principle and then have the critique be that Trump is violating the very foundations of America.

Why don't you trust women to make this choice for themselves? We can encourage people to support life. Of course we can. But why don't you trust women? Why doesn't Donald Trump trust women to make this choice for themselves? That's what we ought to be doing in public life. Living our lives of faith or motivation with enthusiasm and excitement, convincing other, dialoguing with each other about important moral issues of the day but on fundamental issues of morality, we should let women make their own decisions.

Usually the president is kind of the initiator of the idea, then Congress makes it work.

Here's what people should look at as they look at a public servant. Do they have a passion in their life that showed up before they were in public life? And have they held onto that passion throughout their life, regardless of whether they were in office or not, succeeding or failing. Hillary Clinton has that passion, from a time as a kid in a methodist youth group in the suburbs of Chicago, she has been focused on serving others with a special focus on empowering families and kids.

We all have opinions and I don't think you need to apologize for your opinions.

The Trump campaign management team had to be fired a month or so ago because of those shadowy connections with pro-Putin forces. Governor Pence made the odd claim, he said inarguably Vladimir Putin is a better leader than President Obama. Vladimir Putin has run his economy into the ground. He persecutes LGBT folks and journalists. If you don't know the difference between dictatorship and leadership, then you got to go back to a fifth-grade civics class.

Americans need to worry about whether Trump will be watching out for America's bottom line or his own bottom line.

The terrorist threat to American troops has decreased in some ways because there's not 175,000 in a dangerous part of the world. There's only 15,000.

I think it is really really important that those of us who have deep-faith lives don't feel like we could substitute our own views for everybody else in society regardless of their views.

For me the hardest struggle in my faith life was the Catholic Church is against the death penalty.

Donald Trump always puts himself first. He built a business career, in the words of one of his own campaign staffers, "off the backs of the little guy." And as a candidate, he started his campaign with a speech where he called Mexicans rapists and criminals, and he has pursued the discredited and really outrageous lie that President Obama wasn't born in the United States. It is so painful to suggest that we go back to think about these days where an African-American could not be a citizen of the United States.

When I talk to people outside the beltway, I don't think people are that divided.

I think it is really, really important that those of us who have deep faith lives don't feel that we could just substitute our own views for everybody else in society, regardless of their views.

No couples in Virginia can adopt other than a married couple - that's the right policy.

I accept the teachings of my own church in terms of how I live, how my wife and I live, what we teach our kids. But I don't think the teachings of my church are such that I should legislate that for everybody else.

Bill of Rights was Madison, I'm going with Madison.

Anybody who hacks into get documents is completely capable of manipulating them.

My sense is, as governor I've gotten a lot of stuff done.

Here's what I learned as a mayor and a governor. The way you make communities safer and the way you make police safer is through community policing. You build the bonds between the community and the police force, build bonds of understanding, and then when people feel comfortable in their communities, that gap between the police and the communities they serve narrows. And when that gap narrows, it's safer for the communities and it's safer for the police.

Criminal justice is about respecting the law and being respected by the law so there is a fundamental respect issue here.

Immigration. There's two plans on the table. Hillary and I believe in comprehensive immigration reform. Donald Trump believes in deportation nation. You've got to pick your choice. Hillary and I want a bipartisan reform that will put keeping families together as the top goal, second, that will help focus enforcement efforts on those who are violent, third, that will do more border control, and, fourth, that will provide a path to citizenship for those who work hard, pay taxes, play by the rules, and take criminal background record checks.

Gay individuals should be able to adopt.

Hillary Clinton knows how to sit down at a table and negotiate tough deals.

I don't think we can dignify documents dumped by Wikileaks and just assume that they're all accurate and true.

Donald Trump proposes to deport 16 million people, 11 million who are here without documents. And both Donald Trump and Mike Pence want to get rid of birthright citizenship. So if you're born here, but your parents don't have documents, they want to eliminate that. That's another 4.5 million people.

Vladimir Putin is a dictator. He's not a leader. Anybody who thinks otherwise doesn't know Russian history and they don't know Vladimir Putin.

Did Donald Trump apologize for taking after somebody in a Twitter war and making fun of her weight? Did he apologize for saying African-Americans are living in Hell? Did he apologize for saying President Obama was not even a citizen of the United States? You will look in vain to see Donald Trump ever taking responsibility for anybody and apologizing.

I say we are climbing out of a ditch and we are climbing up.

I think in matters of relationship, intimacy, reproduction, sexuality, I think that people should make their own choices, and we should allow people to make their own choices.

You don't need to apologize for an opinion, but in terms of respect for the church and people's faith lives, Hillary Clinton has that respect, because it's what motivates her.

Donald Trump believes that the world will be safer if more nations have nuclear weapons. And he's said Saudi Arabia should get them, Japan should get them, Korea should get them. And when he was confronted with this, and told, wait a minute, terrorists could get those, proliferation could lead to nuclear war, here's what Donald Trump said, and I quote: "Go ahead, folks, enjoy yourselves."

You build the bonds through the community and police force, build bonds of understanding, and then when people feel comfortable in their communities, that gap between the police and the communities they serve narrows. And when that gap narrows, it's safer for the communities and it's safer for the police.

America is a nation of immigrants. We have to have a functioning immigration system.

Here's what people should look at as they look at a public servant. Do they have a passion in their life that showed up before they were in public life? And have they held onto that passion throughout their life, regardless of whether they were in office or not, succeeding or failing?

We spend at least $5 for remedial education right now for every dollar we put in early childhood education. All the studies on early childhood education show this is going to pay for itself.

I worry that a Trump presidency doesn't show the true face of America to the world, but I think that peaceful protest all around this country, it showed to the world who we really are.

We trust Hillary Clinton, my wife and I, we trust her with the most important thing in our life.

It's immoral to ask people to risk their life.

In fact, that's a great thing about America and even about being Catholic, we have plenty of opinions.

I'm not going to give a courtesy gift to a person who's going to win, and I'm not going to give a sympathy gift to a person who's going to lose.

My sense is that economic anxiety means electoral volatility.

I am deeply worried about Donald Trump on matters of national security. He doesn't know anything himself about it, and he has appointed a national security adviser, Mike Flynn, who is a pro-Russia conspiracy theorist, and he's just put Steve Bannon, a guy with connections to white supremacy and antisemitism, onto the National Security Council.

The lessons of history show - and I'm not talking about any particular history, all history - when you see minor abuses start to build up in the intolerance space and do nothing about them, then they lead to bigger and bigger abuses.

To say that there should be no immigration, yes, that is definitely contrary to the best values of America that were laid out in the Declaration of Independence and since.

I think there are a lot of opportunities in the Americas that matter deeply to 45 million Latinos in this country, and I would hope to be able to work to maybe elevate the profile of the Americas in our discussion about American global leadership.

I do think the president's best role is usually as the sort of initiator.

No bill works if it doesn't work in a zip code where somebody lives.

In Donald Trump, you have somebody who praises Vladimir Putin all the time. America should really wonder about a President Trump, who had a campaign manager with ties to Putin, pro- Putin elements in the Ukraine, who had to be fired for that reason. They should wonder - when Donald Trump is sitting down with Vladimir Putin, is it going to be America's bottom line or is it going to be Donald Trump's bottom line that he's going to be worried about with all of his business dealings?

You will look in vain to see Donald Trump ever taking responsibility for anybody and apologize.

Donald Trump must give the American public his tax returns to show that he's qualified to be president and he's breaking his promise.

Peace should be our future.

The job of a legislator is much more fixing existing law, revising it, improving it, than it is passing something that doesn't exist.

The president doesn't get a line-item veto, so all the budgetary approps stuff is with Congress.

The great presidents are people who watch out for others.

Maybe for John McCain the American dream means seven houses-and if that's your America, John McCain is your candidate. But for the rest of us, the American dream means one home - in a safe neighborhood, with good schools and good health care and a little money left over every month to go out for dinner and save for the future. Does that seem like too much to ask? John McCain thinks it is.

You have got to connect your land use decisions with transportation decisions.

If you want to have a society where people are respected and respect laws, you can't have somebody at the top who demeans every group that he talks about.

I don't think that women should be punished as Donald Trump said they should, for making the decision to have an abortion.

Almost always, executive orders are within an authority and always within the purview of Congress to change if they want to legislatively change it.

I think you should live your moral values. But the last thing, the very last thing that government should do is have laws that would punish women who make reproductive choices. And that is the fundamental difference between a Clinton-Kaine ticket and a Trump- Pence ticket that wants to punish women who make that choice.

I'm really fortunate. I grew up in a wonderful household with great Irish Catholic parents.

We support the constitutional right of American women to consult their own conscience, their own supportive partner, their own minister, but then make their own decision about pregnancy. That's something we trust American women to do that. And we don't think that women should be punished, as Donald Trump said they should, for making the decision to have an abortion.

If you think of big, legislative accomplishments, most of them kind of get initiated with the president putting something out there and Congress working on it.

I think if you run away from who you are, that you're a Democrat and you're proud to be a Democrat, it's foolish. And the reason it's foolish is you've got a lot to be proud of.

Matters about reproduction and intimacy and relationships and contraception are in the personal realm. They're moral decisions for individuals to make for themselves.

Midterm elections for first-term presidents are notoriously difficult.

The thing I would worry a little bit about is Donald Trump owes about $650 million to banks, including the Bank of China. I'm not sure he could stand up so tough to the people who have loaned him money.

Do you want a you're hired president in Hillary Clinton or a you're fired president in Donald Trump? I don't think that's such a hard choice.

Social security has enabled people to retire with dignity and overwhelmingly not be in poverty. We have to keep it solvent.

I am proud of Hillary Clinton because she has been and is a great history maker - in everything she has done.

No great president in the USA has been primarily a me-first person.

A president should take action to defend the United States against eminent threat. You have to. The president has to do that.

But people ought to be proud to be Democrats right now. You know, we're a happy warrior party. And this Congress has every reason to be very, very proud of the heavy lifting that they have done.

I try to practice my religion in a very devout way and follow the teachings of my church in my own personal life, but I don't believe in America, a first amendment nation, where we don't raise any religion over the other, and we allow people to worship they please, that the doctrines of any religion should be mandated for everyone.

I think we need to fight against Trumpism in the courts, we need to fight at the ballot box and online, and we need to do peaceful protesting. We need to use every lever at our disposal to make sure that the president doesn't hurt our country, our values, and our people.

I was the legal counsel in the effort to amend the Virginia Constitution to give Virginians the right to hunt and fish constitutionally, and we are one of the few states in the country to protect that right.

If you want to know about the character of somebody in public life, look to see if they have a passion that has animated them throughout their life, whether they were in office or out, whether they were winning elections or losing them.

Americans are a nation of immigrants.

I reported everything I was given, even if I didn't keep - I did not keep the vast majority of it.

We should let women make their own decisions.

I have lived according to rules that I embrace, but I don't feel like my job is to force others to embrace the rules that I embrace for myself.

I think people are very focused on the economic issues. They want an economy that works for everybody.

If you look at sentencing in America, African-Americans and Latinos get sentenced for the same crimes at very different rates.

Hillary Clinton and I believe in comprehensive immigration reform. Donald Trump believes in deportation nation. You've got to pick your choice.