Suze orman quotes
Explore a curated collection of Suze orman's most famous quotes. Dive into timeless reflections that offer deep insights into life, love, and the human experience through his profound words.
The chances of a bank going out of business are extremely slim, but it's always a good idea to spread around major sums so every penny is backed by insurance.
I'd rather make 50 percent of something than 100 percent of nothing.
The way to build your savings is by spending less each month.
So many financial dreams are thwarted by the failure to act upon good intentions.
Those carrying a credit card balance should scale back to making the minimum payment each month so they have more money to put into savings.
When you're happy you find pure joy in your life. There are no regrets in this state of happiness - and that's a goal worth striving for in all areas of your life.
In all realms of life it takes courage to stretch your limits, express your power, and fulfill your potential... it's no different in the financial realm.
After you marry, every asset either of you acquires is jointly held. That's why you both need to be in sync on your long-term financial goals, from paying off the mortgage to putting away for retirement. Ideally, you should talk about all this before you wed. If you don't, you can end up deeply frustrated and financially spent.
If there is anyone dependent on your income - parents, children, relatives - you need life insurance.
You are to set your own value, communicate that value to the world, and then not settle for less. Sound daunting? That's just because it takes you out of your comfort zone. You have got to stop being an obstacle on your own path to wealth and security and happiness. You must understand that valuing yourself is well within your control.
When you are grateful - when you can see what you have - you unlock blessings to flow in your life.
A pile of bills and statements - whether paid or not - is a sign that someone is clueless about what's coming in and going out.
The only way you will ever permanently take control of your financial life is to dig deep and fix the root problem.
Success is not how many zeroes your bank account has. It's about making the most of the life you have.
When you can be happy in your sadness as you are in your happiness. Then you know the key to life.
If you pay off your mortgage before retirement, you take a huge financial load off your shoulders. You also become eligible to take out a reverse mortgage once you turn 62.
Abundance is about being rich, with or without money.
The truth is that you are nothing more than the custodian of your inner and outer wealth while you are on this planet. All you have to decide is what kind of custodian do you want to be? Do you want to be a good custodian of your inner and outer wealth? Or a bad custodian?
Never cosign a loan. Once you have cosigned, you cannot get out of it - even on your deathbed.
It's better to do nothing with your money than something you don't understand.
Owning a home is a keystone of wealth - both financial affluence and emotional security.
If you are worried about job security and do not have an adequate emergency fund (ideally eight months' worth of living expenses stashed away in a federally insured bank or credit union), you need to focus more on saving money than paying down the balance on your credit cards.
To enjoy a long, comfortable retirement, save more today.
When you lose something in your life, stop thinking it's a loss for you... it is a gift you have been given so you can get on the right path to where you are meant to go, not to where you think you should have gone.
What's keeping you from being rich? In most cases it's simply a lack of belief. In order to become rich, you must believe you can do it, and you must take the actions necessary to achieve your goal.
Who would you want to be giving you advice? Somebody who doesn't have any money?
Rather than saying, 'My checking account is a wreck,' change it to 'I will learn how to track my spending and balance my checkbook.'
Don't let what others think or say get in your way; their actions reflect on them, not you.
America has a broken spirit, that the people that are saying, "Please help me, please let me keep my home, please let me keep my car, please recognize me as a vital human being," they are falling on deaf ears.
A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the what-ifs of life.
When you understand that your self-worth is not determined by your net-worth, then you'll have financial freedom
Live below your means but within your needs.
True generosity is an offering; given freely and out of pure love. No strings attached. No expectations. Time and love are the most valuable possession you can share.
Stop saying yes out of fear about what others will think about you and say NO out of love for yourself!
We are all powerless as children, and money looms so powerfully... we don't grow up to claim our financial power until we look money directly in the eye, face our fears, and claim that power back.
Your goal should be to pay off your credit card bills in full at the end of each month and set aside money toward your emergency savings.
You have to see every potential roadblock as an opportunity and a benefit.
If you're not staying on top of your money, you are putting your financial well-being at risk.
I've learned from her [ Oprah Winfrey] really how to stand in one's truth, how if you just simply are who you are, you know, you're heavy, you're thin, you're happy, you're sad - if you just speak your truth as it comes into your mind, then that's what people relate to.
I have come to think that money is very much like a person, and it will respond when you treat it as you would a cherished friend - never fearing it, pushing it away, pretending it doesn't exist, or turning away from its needs, never clutching it so hard that it hurts. ... if you tend it like the living entity it is, then it will flourish, grow, take care of you for as long as you need it.
The mind gives us thousands of ways to say no, but there's only one way to say yes, and that's from the heart.
We never had it as rough as the kids have it today. Look at the price of a gallon of gas or a piece of real estate or a college education.
When you give, give from the place of the heart because it is the right thing to do, not the easy thing to do.
Whenever you're confronted with a tough work situation, stop for a second and try to honestly answer this question: Am I approaching this emotionally or am I approaching this professionally?
I get more inspired by seeing everyday people succeed against the odds than anything else in life.
You can have all the money in the world. You can be a multi-billionaire, but if you do not have your health it means nothing. Your health is the No. 1 important thing in your life.
Like your home's closets, your financial clutter needs an overhaul every now and again, and the payoff will go far beyond the psychic satisfaction of neatening up.
Stop buying things you don't need, to impress people you don't even like.
The advantage of online banking is that you can pay bills superfast, and your account is automatically credited or debited for each deposit and payment, making it easier to stay on track.
It's only when we give to ourselves as passionately as we give of ourselves that we create the life we want and deserve.
Make yourself worthy of money and money will make itself worthy of you.
Just because you can afford it doesn't mean you should buy it.
Choosing wealth as a goal requires facing everything about your money bravely, honestly, with courage -- which is a very, very hard thing for most of us to do.
True generosity must benefit both parties. No woman can control her destiny if she doesn't give to herself as much as she gives of herself.
You can never solve a financial problem with money. The only way for you to have a larger net worth is for you to go within to see why you are going without.
If you're going down the street and you're going the wrong way, remember - God permits U-turns.
In order to live a rich life, everything about who you are must be one, in alignment, and in pure harmony.
Recast your current problems into proactive goals.
Time and love are the most valuable possessions you can share.
Look everywhere you can to cut a little bit from your expenses. It will all add up to a meaningful sum.
Many people are in the dark when it comes to money, and I'm going to turn on the lights.
Women fake orgasms and men fake finances.
With success comes unhelpful criticism - ignore it.
Thoughtful financial planning can easily take a backseat to daily life.
I simply want you to give to yourself as much as you give of yourself. By taking care of yourself financially, you will truly be able to take care of those you love.
Here's what's interesting about women. When it comes to their babies, when it comes to their children, they become these financial warriors like I have never seen before. They will not turn their back on the battlefield.
There is nothing more beautiful than a confident woman.
I do not think I am successful just because I have money. I'm successful because I love who I am and I have no regrets, and I'm successful because I have a great heart and I have compassion and I care and I would be happy with or without money.
If you're financially responsible, your children have a much better chance to grow up financially responsible.
The most important loan to pay is your student loan. It's more important than your mortgage, car and credit card payments. You cannot discharge student loan debt in the majority of cases.
If you expect your money to take care of you, you must take care of your money.
Consider a 15- or 20-year fixed-rate mortgage instead of a 30-year, if you can afford the monthly payments - they may not be as high as you think.
Absolutely pay off your credit card debt, because a child can always get a loan to go to school, possibly a scholarship, a grant.
In order to create lasting security you must learn to stand in your truth.
People first, then money, then things.
Money is the currency of life because it is the external measurement system that all of us have as to how we judge where we are in our own lives.
You must trust yourself more than you trust anyone else with your money.
Never, ever invest money that you will need prior to three to five years - minimum.
Although money alone won't make us happy, the lack of money surely will make us miserable.
No one's ever achieved financial fitness with a January resolution that's abandoned by February.
Writing is hard work, not magic. It begins with deciding why you are writing and whom you are writing for. What is your intent? What do you want the reader to get out of it? What do you want to get out of it. It's also about making a serious time commitment and getting the project done.
Many people are dreaming. Let me rent. Let me have a job. Let me work until I'm 70. That's not what the American Dream used to be. It used to be, let me own a home. Let me retire at 59 and a half or 65 at the latest. Let me do this. And now, really, given what's happened, good luck with anything happening unless you do it yourself.
To make the most of your money, I recommend sticking with mutual funds that don't charge a commission when you buy or sell.
I believe in God big time and I'm proud to say I believe in God.
The less money you owe, the less income you'll need and the less you'll have to save for tomorrow.
If you have debt I'm willing to bet that general clutter is a problem for you too.
If a child, a spouse, a life partner, or a parent depends on you and your income, you need life insurance.
Every financial worry you want to banish and financial dream you want to achieve comes from taking tiny steps today that put you on a path toward your goals.
Believing you are worthy of love means that you believe I deserve to be treated well - with respect and dignity. I deserve to be cherished and adored by someone. I am worthy of an intimate and fulfilling relationship. I won't settle for less than I deserve. I will do whatever it takes to create that for myself.
... true financial freedom doesn't depend on how much money you have. Financial freedom is when you have power over your fears and anxieties instead of the other way around.
I am a big believer that orderliness begets wealth.
When it comes to tackling your financial goals, whatever they might be, there's no time like the present.
Put your financial life on autopilot as a form of 'forced' saving.
It's not selfish to give TO yourself as much as you give OF yourself
If you make time each month to give your money some attention, you'll start the next year in fabulous financial shape.
Bad debt is sacrificing your future day needs for your present day desires.
Financial freedom is our birthright, rather than the "slave walk" of the Monday through Friday grind.
When you are starting out in your 20s, it is natural to think about all that you will have and do once you start making money, and making more money. That gives money way too much power over your life. It's not about how much you make, but the life that you make with the money you have.
abundance is in crucial ways a state of mind.
The key to making money is to stay invested.
It's easy to underestimate the real cost of home ownership.
The dream of having one's dream job turned into "Oh my God, I'll take any job. I've been out of work for two years now. I don't care what I do. I'll do anything because I don't have any money".
people's feelings about themselves change when they change the way they handle their money. Once they begin treating their money with respect, their self-respect shoots up as well.
Never invest emergency savings in the stock market.
You can't build a foundation on lies.
It's impossible to map out a route to your destination if you don't know where you're starting from.
The last thing family and friends want is for you to spend money on them that you don't have or that you can't really spare.
If you're saving for the long run, it's actually a good thing when the market is down because the more shares you have, the more you can potentially make when markets rise. And over time - decades, not months - the markets rise more than they fall.
In January we start saving money, getting out of credit card debt, funding our retirement accounts, and we're doing wonderful. Then, every single year like clockwork, starting in November, all of you fall into this trap that says, 'I have to buy this gift... I can't show up at this party and not have something for everybody.
We tend to focus on assets and forget about debts. Financial security requires facing up to the big picture: assets minus debts.
A wise woman recognizes when her life is out of balance and summons the courage to act to correct it, she knows the meaning of true generosity, happiness is the reward for a life lived in harmony, with a courage and grace.
Here's my gift-giving rule: Respect your current financial situation.
When you undervalue who you are, the world will undervalue what you do and vice versa.
Men and women both have an equal capacity to make money, but they want money for different reasons. Men want money for power and women want it for comfort, and usually not their own comfort, but the comfort of others in their lives.
Nothing's greater in life to see somebody who doesn't have start to value who they are and, as soon as they feel valued, they can change this world too.
Be as good to yourself as you are to those you love.
Money is such an amazing teacher: What you choose to do with your money shows whether you are truly powerful or powerless.
If the only way you can build an emergency fund is to pay the minimum due on your credit card, that is what you need to do.
We women know how to take care of everybody so well. But the one person we have written out of the equation is us.
How you end something as profound and important as a marriage is a reflection of how you live your life--financially, emotionally, and spiritually.
A wise woman knows how to summon her courage and do what is right, rather than what is easy.
You must recognize, embrace, and be honest about what is real for you today and allow that understanding to inform the choices you make. Only then will you be able to build the future of your dreams.
I don't care how far we've come with "women's liberation," with all these things. In a man's mind, he still needs to be the support of his family. He needs to hold up the world.
Every portfolio benefits from bonds; they provide a cushion when the stock market hits a rough patch. But avoiding stocks completely could mean your investment won't grow any faster than the rate of inflation.
Absolutely invest in retirement. You can always get a loan to get kids through school. I do not know of any loans to get you through retirement. The markets are seriously low from where they were (even though they've gone up 30 percent recently). Now is the time to be dollar cost averaging; the more money you put in, the more shares you buy. Save for your retirement, people.