Rush limbaugh insights

Explore a captivating collection of Rush limbaugh’s most profound quotes, reflecting his deep wisdom and unique perspective on life, science, and the universe. Each quote offers timeless inspiration and insight.

Women still live longer than men because their lives are easier.

Holocaust? Ninety million Indians? Only four million left? They all have casinos - what's to complain about?

[T]his is another reason why the children of illegals are sought for public schools: They'll put up with it. The children of illegals will put up with these dilapidated schools because for them, it is a huge step up. And these schools become little indoctrination centers for the children of illegal immigrants, as they are brainwashed and programmed to become Democrats as adults.

This is exactly why the Electoral College is set up the way it is, so that one state would not elect the president.

The more people in need, the better the Democrat Party is, in their minds, 'cause that's their source of power.

How many of you guys in your own experience with women have learned that no means yes, if you know how to spot it?

I'm not going to assume liberals are stupid, as they do with conservatives. No, I'll attribute it instead to more fraud and deceit.

Diversity for diversity's sake is nothing more than affirmative action and can make no claim to being part of America's greatness.

Women were doing quite well in this country before feminism came along.

If anybody's out of touch in America, if there is this big divide and big disconnect, it's in the Democrat Party and the people of this country.

The Constitution limits the role of government. The Constitution enumerates the freedoms of the people and enforces those freedoms against government, making sure government cannot encroach.

There is no news media. There's simply a bunch of people on television and in newspapers who are ranking members of the Democrat Party.

If you want to make a Conservative angry, tell him a lie. If you want to make a Liberal angry, tell him the truth.

There is no conclusive proof that nicotine's addictive... And the same thing with cigarettes causing emphysema, lung cancer, heart disease.

What's the difference between a liberal and a conservative? A liberal will interpret the constitution, a conservative will quote it!

So, Ms. Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal: If we are going to pay for you to have sex, we want something for it, and I'll tell you what it is - we want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.

Obamacare is not about health care. Obamacare is about the expansion of government and the total loss of freedom.

The really damaging thing is that the objectives, the goals of the people on the left are not possible. There is no utopia.

Socialism and communism are set up so that a select few elite get most of everything and the rest of society is equally miserable in poverty and oppression. So if you can be in the ruling party elite, socialism, communism, you've got it made. That's less than one half of one-tenth a percent of the population in those countries.

Conservatism is not the problem. Conservatism is the founding of this country, essentially. Conservatism isn't even really an ideology. Conservatism is just what is right, proper, decent, and moral. That's all it is.

You have to ask yourself a question: "What's the purpose of the private sector - to support government?" And if the answer is, "Yes, it is," then you're a Democrat.

The country will survive Obama, but it cannot survive the abject ignorance that elected him.

No nation ever taxed itself into prosperity.

Free speech gives us the ability to react vigorously with effective arguments and expose the weakness and misdirection of the other side's claims.

Take that bone out of your nose and call me back (to an African American female caller).

Freedom without virtue isn't freedom - it will eventually destroy a society.

The First Amendment doesn't give anybody the right to be heard. People don't have to listen to you.

It's the first thing liberals notice about people is what group are you in! "What group do I put you in? Are you a woman? Are you lesbian? Are you straight? Are you Native American? Are you African-American? Are you a mix? What are you?" That's how they see people, because that then identifies the victim status they hold. Victims of what? Victims of America! All these people are victims of America, "the white, patriarchal majority." They're all victims of America, as the left sees them.

Liberalism, communism, socialism are about denying individual liberty and creating a collective with a top down command-and-control government and economy. Conservatives are individuals and not activists at all, and so there is no such strategy to bend, shape, and form a country.

Liberals want the government to get bigger, and they want you to drive smaller cars, and they want to dictate the way you live.

Blaming guns for murder is like blaming forks for obesity.

The most beautiful thing about a tree is what you do with it after you cut it down.

Children need love and discipline. They need mothers and fathers. A welfare check is not a husband. The state is not a father.

Ideal women: 36-24-36, five foot seven, flat spot on top of the head, deaf mute. The flat spot on the top of the head is for your drink.

You know why there's a Second Amendment? In case the government fails to follow the first one.

Trump is bringing his business acumen to politics. That's something that politicians don't have: business acumen, many of them. And so they don't recognize it, and they don't understand it.

Liberals measure compassion by how many people are given welfare. Conservatives measure compassion by how many people no longer need it.

There is no law in the world - there is no law unwritten, there's no law on the books - that's gonna stop a criminal from getting a gun.

When WOMEN got the right to vote is when it all went downhill. Because that's when votes started being cast with emotion and uh, maternal instincts that government ought to reflect.

The reason Donald Trump has supporters... I can go through the list for you. The issues are border/immigration, jobs, military, "make America great again..."

That's all global warming ever was. For the scientists involved in it, it was a living. You go out and promote what the leftists wanted to hear, and you got grant money. And if you run around and really sound like you believe it, then they're gonna make you a star. And if you're Algore and you realize you can capitalize on your vice presidency, you can become a multimillionaire spreading this hoax, which he has done.

Our founding fathers never intended that Congress be a career.

For government to give, it must first take away.

A lot of people do want to be victims. It's easy. It's an excuse for not doing anything and an excuse for failing. Being a victim means somebody else is responsible for everything going wrong in your life. So Democrats love plugging as many people as they can into victim status.

The media can't take Trump out, and that scares the heck out of everybody, particularly in the Republican side.

Folks, we are in the midst of dangerous times like you cannot believe, and Donald J. Trump is the target.

When you strip it all away, Jerry Garcia (former Grateful Dead guitarist) destroyed his life on drugs. And yet hes being honored, like some godlike figure. Our priorities are out of whack, folks.

The Democrats are about punishing achievement and punishing success and saying it's unjustified, it's unfair, and it may involve cheating and scandal. They stigmatize success because their voters are people who cannot achieve those things. The Democrats have made sure they don't even want to try.

You liberals are going to have to understand something: I'm not the one that wants to put limits on anybody. You people are.

The Democrat Party have no education in critical thinking or common sense or common sense perception. None of it. They just seethe when they hear this stuff because it's all creating knee-jerk reactions: "Racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe! Racist, sexist, bigot! Racist!" It's paralyzing us, folks, as a country. We are in a state of paralyses. These people are retarding our progress.

There's a lot of people that don't understand liberalism, there are a lot of people that I think, by definition, still need to be informed and educated that it isn't the soft, loving, compassionate stuff that it's portrayed to be. Trump speaks for himself. Who Trump is and what he's doing is not a mystery to anybody. It's the exact opposite of a mystery. It's in your face.

Ever since Marx, leftists have known that the simplest way to controlling a country is via education, the news industry, and health care. If you, as a leader or as a member of a leadership organization can succeed in taking over those three things where only kids, young people, only learn what you want them to learn, they learn how horrible freedom is, how unfair capitalism is, how mean-spirited, all of this, how wonderful equality and egalitarian is. Whenever there is a communist invasion or revolution, the news outlets are the first things seized and then the schools and then health care.

If you're going to run around, Ms. Pelosi, and you're going to say Republicans like the war, then can we also assume that Democrats like killing babies? Put that in whatever it is you smoke, Ms. Pelosi, and have fun with it.

Donald Trump loves America. He wants it to be the greatest place on earth. He thinks political people have made it the mess that it is. And he's been very open and up front about how he goes about accomplishing things, and that's totally ignored.

The Democrat Party and the media, they're just not educated. But they think they are, and they are smug and arrogant about what they don't know.

The Democrats can engage in the most reprehensible, mean-spirited, vile, vicious verbal attacks known in politics, and they get praised for it.

Forget nerds on Facebook. You're never gonna persuade 'em. They're never gonna like Donald Trump. They're always gonna razz you about it. They're losers. Do not allow your happiness to be determined and defined by what these people on Facebook say.

I must be honest. I can only read so many paragraphs of a New York Times story before I puke.

In a country of children where the option is Santa Claus or work, what wins?

It's easy to be a victim. Look how easy the Democrat Party has made almost half this country think they're victims of something.

The modern era of liberalism, the one we're living in, really has as its focus or foundation that America is unjust, immoral, and corrupt, and from the days of our founding.

Antonin Scalia was saying, and Donald Trump knows this as well, the answer to it is not to punish people, to shut 'em up, to put 'em in jail. The answer is more speech. If there's some clown burning the flag, drape yourself in the flag and go run around right in the guy's face and start telling him how much you love America. Donald Trump's not gonna put anybody in jail. He's not gonna strip their citizenship. This is how Donald Trump tells people what he thinks about it.

Ladies, if you want a happy marriage, then do whatever your husband tells you without questioning his authority.

The Democrats want illegal mirgation not they are humanitarian. This is not about compassion. This is not about love and a soft spot for people from these horrible places and wanting to give them a better life. This is about registering a bunch of future Democrat voters that are never gonna be able to fend or provide for themselves. This is about flooding this country with people who are going to be forever dependent on a government-run by Democrats.

What incredible arrogance to believe that we limited human beings can destroy that which we cannot even begin to understand - much less create on our own - and that is earth and all of its glories.

Feminists want to be treated as equals, but at the same time they want special treatment.

Obama is a statist. He's an authoritarian. He doesn't want to govern; he wants to rule.

Columbus saved the Indians from themselves.

If you're a victim, you're always mad, but never at yourself. You're mad at somebody else.

There's nothing good, there's nothing moral about taking money from people who earn it.

Climate change is not about climate change. It's about the people in it getting rich off of an ever-expanding, growing, controlling government. It's all about expanding the government and government control over people. It's about creating victims. When you successfully turn somebody into a victim, you have automatically made them a dependent on you. You are essentially telling them they have lost the power necessary to solve their own problems. And you create within them a mentality that they can't overcome their own problem because they're victims.

America guarantees equal opportunity, not equal outcome.

The founders wanted to make it hard for laws to be passed. They wanted to make it hard for there to be restrictions on the freedom of the people.

Liberals are not about choice; they are about imposition. The way they live, the way they believe, must be imposed on people, otherwise they won’t do it on their own,” he added. “It’s taken them 50, 60 years to get to this point of conditioning people, of taking hold of the education system, the university, academia system, the media. It’s taken a long time to condition people not to stand up for themselves, not to exercise freedom, not to speak outside the acceptable norms. What is political correctness but speech censorship, is all it is.

We used to have adults who set standards, moral standards, cultural standards, legal standards. They were better than we were. They gave us something to aspire to. They were people that we described as having dignity and character. That's all gone now, particularly the upper levels of the Democrat Party. There isn't any of that kind of decency, dignity, character, morality.

Government is not capable of caring. Government gets things done through coercion. They fine, they penalize, they tax, they confiscate, they jail, they bully to get what they want.

I love being a conservative. We conservatives are proud of our philosophy. Unlike our liberal friends, who are constantly looking for new words to conceal their true beliefs and are in a perpetual state of reinvention, we conservatives are unapologetic about our ideals.

There's a simple way to solve the crime problem: obey the law; punish those who do not.

Feminazis have adopted abortion as a kind of sacrament for their religion/politics of alienation and bitterness.

There's nobody better to tell you who's a man and who isn't than a woman. Women will spot manliness, or lack of it, faster than any man will. If you really want to know... It's just the way it is.

Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?

My belief is that most of the limitations people have or face are self-imposed.

There is no fringe in the Democrat Party. They are all extreme, radical leftists, socialists, neocoms, whatever you want to call 'em.

The only way to reduce the number of nuclear weapons is to use them.

Everybody in politics claims to want to get everybody out of poverty. What's the opposite? Wealth. And what is often criticized by the left? Wealth.

We live in a world of intolerance masked as tolerance.

The Democrats have so corrupted our understanding of economics and productivity that lowering tax rates is now considered to be some kind of sop to the rich. I mean, it's just profound to me, the damage inflicted on this country by the Democrats in their pursuit of perpetual power.

I think this reason why girls don’t do well on multiple choice tests goes all the way back to the Bible, all the way back to Genesis, Adam and Eve. God said, ‘All right, Eve, multiple choice or multiple orgasms, what’s it going to be?’ We all know what was chosen.

The media has a formula, they have a blueprint for destroying Republican political officials they don't like. It's not gonna work on Trump. He doesn't fit that mold.

Liberals always exempt themselves from the rules that they impose on others.

Everything about the left is perception, manipulation, and lies. Everything. Everything is 'Wag the Dog.' Everything is a structured deception.

Enraging liberals is simply one of the more enjoyable side effects of my wisdom.

When you think you're going through hell, keep going. The only way out, keep going. If you're going through hell you've got to keep going. You can't stop or that's where you're gonna end up.

When a gay person turns his back on you, it is anything but an insult; it's an invitation.

Immigration, ladies and gentlemen, is not an entitlement. Yet that's how it is treated by the Democrats, by the Drive-By Media. That's how it's considered. It's no different than Medicaid, no different than Medicare, and its purpose is to benefit the victims of the evil United States. That is not what immigration is, but that's what it has become - and as such, common sense about it is totally missed.

The Democrats need poor, dependent people if they're gonna stay in business. And if we don't have enough poverty at home, we'll import it. That's what our open-borders policy is: It's about importing poverty and importing the number of potential registered voters for the Democrat party.

Because of the free speech clause in the First Amendment, which is very clear, "The government shall make no law abridging freedom of speech," and it literally is about political speech. You can say anything you want about politics, a candidate, and the government cannot stop you. And the Democrats hate that.

This is exactly the kind of thing that Trump supporters are fed up with about the Republican Party, how easy it is for so many in the Republican Party to sell out the party and join the Democrats - or not sell out the party, but stay within the party and advance the Democrats' agenda, be it with amnesty and immigration, abortion, who knows whatever it is.

Bigot: A person who wins an argument with a liberal.

What is it with all of these young single white women? Overeducated - doesn't mean intelligent.

Leftists are activists. This is a strategy. Liberalism, communism, socialism, you don't need to go too deep - a peripheral study of Marxism. And you'll learn that Marxism, leftism, liberalism, they have long-term strategies for taking over and controlling whole populations. It is their objective.

The purpose of any military is to kill people and break things. It's not to advance anybody's social agenda. It's not a laboratory for the left's social ideas or playgrounds. It is to kill people and break things, and the second rule is that the aggressor in any conflict sets the rules. And if they violate an existing rule book, then so be it. The aggressor sets the rules, and right now, Putin is setting the rules.

The media is the Democrat Party.

When I talk to people who believe in this global warming crap... it's fake science. They may have educations and degrees that say they are scientists, but they're not. They're political hacks and leftists.

Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream.

The 14th Amendment was passed after the Civil War to apply to former slaves to ensure that they are treated like all other citizens. It never did have anything to do with gay marriage. It was never intended to have anything to do with gay marriage or animal marriage or any other kind of social contract. It was specific to slavery, and after the Civli War.

You can never advance the ball on defense.

Liberalism has become a special kind of stupid, and it's on full display now, which I think ultimately has the potential to be a good thing.

Do you know we have more acreage of forest land in the United States today than we did at the time the Constitution was written?

How did it come to be that you think men and women are the same? Well, there's a simple answer to the question: Feminism.

What do Obama and God have in common? Neither has a birth certificate. How do they differ? God does not think he's Obama.

Let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do — let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work.

It just so happens that most of the Democrats happen to be aligned with the "America is the problem in the world" side. And most of the pro-Trumpers happen to believe that America is the solution to the problems in the world.

You know how to stop abortion? Require that each one occur with a gun.

Liberals are some of the most arrogant, condescending smart alecks, but they're just pure ignorant, and they fit the bill of people who have no love and no respect for the founding of this country.

If you ever find that you only have an hour to live .... spend it with a liberal and it will seem like a year.

I've always said that people are desperate to find meaning in their lives.

If any race of people should not have guilt about slavery, it's Caucasians.

Every day we are slathered with the biggest bunk of lies and distortions and half-truths that I can recall. And all the while the American left is doing its best to bring down this country as founded.

The Statue of Liberty was never meant to be a symbol of immigration. It was meant to be a symbol of liberty and freedom. Lady Liberty is stepping forward. She is meant to be carrying the torch of liberty from the United States to the rest of the world. The torch is not to light the way to the United States. It is to light the way to liberty to the rest of the world. Lady Liberty is carrying the light of liberty to the rest of the world. It is not a beacon for immigrants to get to this country because they're tired, they're poor, they're huddled, hungry, or thirsty.

We are all in favor of immigration that determines who gets in, the quantity of people who get in, whether they assimilate or not. Nobody's opposed to that. But immigration has been defined now as people flooding the country who are noncitizens. And that's called "immigration," according to the culture of the left.

Slavery built the South. I'm not saying we should bring it back; I'm just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.

Obama's health care plan will be written by a committee whose head, John Conyers, says he doesn't understand it. It'll be passed by Congress that has not read it, signed by a president who smokes, funded by a Treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, overseen by a Surgeon General who is obese, and financed by a country that's nearly broke. What could possibly go wrong?

The world’s biggest problem is the unequal distribution of capitalism. If there were capitalism everywhere, you wouldn’t have food shortages.

A feminazi is a woman to whom the most important thing in life is seeing to it that as many abortions as possible are performed. Their unspoken reasoning is quite simple. Abortion is the single greatest avenue for militant women to exercise their quest for power and advance their belief that men aren't necessary.