Paulo coelho quotes
Explore a curated collection of Paulo coelho's most famous quotes. Dive into timeless reflections that offer deep insights into life, love, and the human experience through his profound words.
Every blessing ignored becomes a curse.
The person who is right is the person who is the strongest, in this case, paradoxically, it's the cowards who are the brave ones, and they manage to impose their ideas on everyone else.
Only three things can change our lives dreams, suffering and love
No one loses anyone, because no one owns anyone
Don’t allow your wounds to transform you into someone you are not.
We have to stop and be humble enough to understand that there is something called mystery.
Problems of the heart always bruised the soul.
Disappointment, defeat, and despair are the tools God uses to show us the way.
Say "NO" without guilt. Say "YES" without fear.
He knows his own faults, but also knows his qualities.
Sorrows do not last forever when we are journeying towards the thing we have always wanted.
When mouths close, it’s because there’s something important to be said.
What is success? It is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace
Start doing what you want to do, and everything else will be revealed to you.
The Superclass tries to promote its values. Ordinary people complain of divine injustice, they envy power, and it pains them to see others having fun. They don’t understand that no one is having fun, that everyone is worried and insecure, and that what the jewels, cars, and fat wallets conceal is a huge inferiority complex.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.
Many times the wrong train took me to the right place.
The great problem with poisoning by Bitterness was that the passions - hatred, love, despair, enthusiasm, curiosity - also ceased to manifest themselves. After a while, the embittered person felt no desire at all. They lacked the will either to live or to die, that was the problem.
Love is a trap. When it appears, we see only its light, not its shadows.
And one has to understand that braveness is not the absence of fear but rather the strength to keep on going forward despite the fear.
Every human being has a personal legend to be fulfilled, and this is our reason for being in the world. This personal legend manifests itself in our enthusiasm for the task.
Accumulating love brings luck, accumulating hatred brings calamity.
I don't see any reason why I should look for someone who never took the trouble to love me.
Straight roads do not make skillful drivers.
There are two kinds of world: the one we dream about and the real one.
Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dream.
The future belongs to God, and it is only he who reveals it, under extraordinary circumstances.
Miracles only happen if you believe in miracles.
Your decision to walk creates the path ahead
Anything a man does can bring him closer to the Supreme Wisdom, as long as he works with Love in his heart.
If you spend too much time trying to find out what is good or bad about someone else, you'll forget your own soul and end up exhausted and defeated by the energy you have wasted in judging others.
Only someone who can say 'I love you' is capable of saying 'I forgive you.
The boat is safer anchored at the port; but that’s not the aim of boats.
One of many ways to be useful is to inspire people to forget some rules imposed by society. IMPORTANT rules are dictated by our hearts.
Perfect people don't drink, don't fight, don't lie, don't make mistakes and...don't exist
The pain of yesterday is the strength of today.
Never hate jealous people. They are jealous because they think you are better than them.
Why is patience so important?" "Because it makes us pay attention.
Imagine a new story for your life and start living it.
No one loses anyone, because no one owns anyone. That is the true experience of freedom: having the most important thing in the world without owning it
We are not the person other people wish we were. We are who we decide to be.
Life is short. Kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly
You are your own best friend. Never ever, put yourself down.
Transformations always occur during moments of crisis.
Don't say maybe if you want to say no.
There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.
That's the problem, we do get used to things.
The more in harmony with yourself you are, the more joyful you are, and the more faithful you are. Faith is not to disconnect you from reality, it connects you to reality.
We don't need to explain our love. We only need to show it.
Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.
Don’t expect to get anything back, don’t expect recognition for your efforts, don’t expect your genius to be discovered or your love to be understood. Act because you need to act
If I had to give you one piece of advice, it would be this: don’t be intimidated by other people’s opinions. Only mediocrity is sure of itself, so take risks and do what you really want to do. Seek out people who aren’t afraid of making mistakes and who, therefore, do make mistakes. Because of that, their work often isn’t recognized, but they are precisely the kind of people who change the world and, after many mistakes, do something that will transform their own community completely.
To say "no" is painful, but much better than a "yes" that brings regrets.
Don't give to anyone the power to put you down. Haters are losers pretending to be winners.
If it's still in your mind, it is still in your heart.
close some doors today. not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because they lead you nowhere
No matter how many detours and adjustments it made, the caravan moved toward the same compass point. Once obstacles were overcome, it returned to its course, sighting on a star that indicated the location of the oasis.
If you only walk on sunny days you'll never reach your destination.
What makes people weak? Their need for validation and recognition, their need to feel important. Don't get caught in this trap.
We can sell our time, but we can't buy it back.
Don't listen to the malicious comments of those friends who, never taking any risks themselves, can only see other people's failures.
You have two choices: to control your mind or to let your mind control you.
An enthusiastic heart finds opportunities everywhere.
May love fill your heart, compassion guide your mind, faith rule your soul.
Leave your comfortable life and go in search of your kingdom.
Life sometimes separates people so that they can realize how much they mean to each other.
We lose many things simply out of our fear of losing them.
Relax...90% of haters are begging for love. 10% just want a little attention
Dreamers can't be tamed.
Only a fool makes threats, and only another fool feels threatened.
Today don't beg, don't ask, just thank God in silence for all the blessings in your life.
All haters are losers, even when they win.
When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change.
One day you will wake up and there wont be any more time to do the things youve always wanted. Do it now. The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.
Those who never take risks can only see other people's failures.
Find someone who makes you smile, because it only takes a smile to make a day better
Useful men, who do useful things, don't mind being treated as useless. But the useless always judge themselves as being important and hide all their incompetence behind authority.
The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.
Life is too short to be wasted in finding answers. Enjoy the questions.
One day you will wake up & there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.
Profound commitment to a dream does not confine or constrain: it liberates. Even a difficult, winding path can lead to your goal if you follow it to the end.
Sadness does not last forever when we walk in the direction of that which we always desired.
Certain things are so important that they need to be discovered alone.
Forgive but do not forget, or you will be hurt again. Forgiving changes the perspectives. Forgetting loses the lesson.
Sometimes life is very mean: a person can spend days, weeks, months and years without feeling new. Then, when a door opens - a positive avalanche pours in. One moment, you have nothing, the next, you have more than you can cope with.
The only way to save our dreams is by being generous with ourselves.
I'm proud of the scars in my soul. They remind me that I have an intense life.
You may not be winning, but this doesn't mean you are losing
Sometimes love blinds us, other times it let's us see.
To teach is to show what is possible; to learn is to make yourself possible.
Don't waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.
Trust and start walking. We are not alone in the dark, our path will unfold as we move.
Don't allow your mind to tell your heart what to do. The mind gives up easily
Every scar has a life of its own and a space in my heart.
Live the life you always wanted to live. Avoid criticizing others and concentrate on fulfilling your dreams.
Be a source of joy. And let haters complain about the world.
He who does not take insults seriously, is on the path to wisdom.
Don't forget: Beautiful sunsets need cloudy Skies.
Each morning brings a hidden blessing; a blessing which is unique to that day, and which cannot be kept or re-used. If we do not use this miracle today, it will be lost.
Never save the best for later. You don't know what tomorrow holds.
I prefer to be crazy and happy rather than normal and bitter.
A life without a cause is a life without effect.
Change. But start slowly, because direction is more important than speed
To succeed in life, you must have the courage to be hated.
Our life is a constant journey, from birth to death. The landscape changes, the people change, our needs change, but the train keeps moving. Life is the train, not the station.
If you want to be successful, you must respect one rule. Never lie to yourself.
In love, no one can harm anyone else; we are each responsible for our own feelings and cannot blame someone else for what we feel.
The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.
Sometimes you have to travel a long way to find what is near
If everybody loves you, something is wrong. Find at least one enemy to keep you alert.
You are not defeated when you lose. You are defeated when you quit.
When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true.
Tolerance and compassion are qualities of fearless people.
Fortunate are those who take the first step. Someday people will realize that men and women are capable of speaking the language of the angels - that all of us are possessed of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and that we can perform miracles, cure, prophesy, and understand.
Most experiences provoke a transformation in you. So, when you live something, live it fully because you never know when this is going to happen again and not only that, if it even happens again, it will not have the same impact.
With every farewell comes a hidden hope.
If you don't care about what people think, you already passed the first step of success.
you only know yourself when you go beyond your limits
Anyone who has lost something they thought was theirs forever finally comes to realise that nothing really belongs to them.
Life takes us by surprise and orders us to move toward the unknown -even when we don't want to and when we think we don't need to.
Be proud of your scars. They remind you that you have the will to live.
Dreams cannot be tamed. Dreamers cannot be ruled.
Fight for your dreams, and your dreams will fight for you.
So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.
To believe in your choice you don't need to prove that other people's choices are wrong.