Patti smith quotes
Explore a curated collection of Patti smith's most famous quotes. Dive into timeless reflections that offer deep insights into life, love, and the human experience through his profound words.
In the war of magic and religion, is magic ultimately the victor? Perhaps priest and magician were once one, but the priest, learning humility in the face of God, discarded the spell for prayer.
I learned from him that often contradiction is the clearest way to truth
I'm not afraid of terrorism at all. I'm afraid of loss of our freedom, loss of mobility, loss of global comradeship.
For me, personally, I think drugs are sacred and should be used for work. That's what I believe in. Drugs have a real shamanistic value. I can handle drugs. I've never had a problem.
Got to lose control before you take control.
I don't think the average American understands what patriotism truthfully is. That's why when I attack our country or attack the government, it's sometimes looked at as unpatriotic. It's not.
Poetry is a solitary process. One does not write poetry for the masses. Poetry is a self-involved, lofty pursuit. Songs are for the people. When I'm writing a song, I imagine performing it. I imagine giving it. It's a different aspect of communication. It's for the people.
Paths that cross will cross again
To be an artist — actually, to be a human being in these times — it’s all difficult. … What matters is to know what you want and pursue it.
We wanted, it seemed, what we already had, a lover and a friend to create with, side by side. To be loyal, yet be free.
Where does it all lead? What will become of us? These were our young questions, and young answers were revealed. It leads to each other. We become ourselves.
Hail brother, the distant thunder is nothing but hearts beating as one.
An artist wears his work in place of wounds.
I wanted to remember the original energy; strip away all the glamour and limousines and tons of drugs. I wanted to get back to the revolutionary ideas, merging poetry and rhythm and rock and roll.
Build a good name. Keep your name clean. Don’t make compromises, don’t worry about making a bunch of money or being successful. Be concerned about doing good work. Protect your work and if you build a good name, eventually that name will be its own currency. Life is like a roller coaster ride, it is never going to be perfect. It is going to have perfect moments and rough spots, but it’s all worth it.
Pissing in a river, watching it rise.
I'm right here right now and I want now to be the Golden Age ...if only each generation would realize that the time for greatness is right now when they're alive ... the time to flower is now.
Rock n' roll is dream soup, what's your brand?
We all make choices. Believe me, I would like to write the hit of the world. It's not like I have any desire to be in the shadows. My vision isn't marketing. Some people want to sell 6 million albums. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just not what I do. I'd rather look at a piece of work and say it's great rather than it's successful.
People need space to air out their thoughts, to have a sense of themselves - unfettered by anything.
You can't carve up the world. It's not a pie.
What I've always tried to do is to express the highest point of me, and rock 'n' roll is the first and the most open form created by our generation. The cool thing about it is that you get the power, you get the rhythm; you can be taken over sexually, you can be taken over cerebrally; it's great to look at - it's a package deal.
Never let go of that fiery sadness called desire.
I think its very important that we enjoy our life, that we get everything we can out of it.
We used to laugh at our small selves, saying that I was a bad girl trying to be good and that he was a good boy trying to be bad. Through the years these roles would reverse, then reverse again, until we came to accept our dual natures. We contained opposing principles, light and dark.
Most women writers don't interest me because they're hung up with being a woman, they're hung up with being Jewish, they're hung up with being somebody or other. Rather than just going, just spurting, just creating.
I'm certain, as we filled down the great staircase, that I appeared the same as ever, a moping twelve years-old, all arms and legs. But secretly I knew I had been transformed, moved by the revelation that human beings create art, that to be an artist was to see what others could not.
Look at Obama - he is now [2015] trying to help us environmentally but he should have done it eight years ago. He's trying to salvage his legacy and trying to do something good but we needed for him to show leadership from day one.
In my low periods, I wondered what was the point of creating art. For whom? Are we animating God? Are we talking to ourselves? And what was the ultimate goal? To have one's work caged in art's great zoos - the Modern, the Met, the Louvre?
I didn't waste my time on things I didn't love.
I imagined myself as Frida to Diego, both muse and maker. I dreamed of meeting an artist to love and support and work with side by side.
When I was a teenager, I had trouble getting a boyfriend, so I imagined Arthur Rimbaud or Bob Dylan as my boyfriend.
One thing I like about getting older is things, your spectrum widens, your capacity for compassion widens.
Even as a child, I knew what I didn't want. I didn't want to wear red lipstick.
Yet you could feel a vibration in the air, a sense of hastening. It had started with the moon, inaccessible poem that it was. Now men had walked upon it, rubber treads on a pearl of the gods. Perhaps it was an awareness of time passing, the last summer of the decade. Sometimes I just wanted to raise my hands and stop. But stop what? Maybe just growing up.
Life is an adventure of our own design intersected by fate and a series of lucky and unlucky accidents.
Remember, we are mortal, but poetry is not.
I have loved books all my life. There is nothing more beautiful in our material world than the book.
Acknowledge all man as fellow creation, but don't follow him.
My introduction to photography and a lot of how I developed aesthetically was through '50s and early-'60s fashion magazines like Harper's Bazaar and Vogue.
The things I thought would happen didn't. Things I never anticipated unfolded.
I never felt oppressed because of my gender. When I'm writing a poem or drawing, I'm not a female; I'm an artist.
I think I'm constantly in a state of adjustment.
We were walking toward the fountain, the epicenter of activity, when an older couple stopped and openly observed us. Robert enjoyed being noticed, and he affectionately squeezed my hand. "oh, take their picture," said the woman to her bemused husband, "I think they're artists." "Oh, go on," he shrugged. "They're just kids.
My sunglasses are like my guitar.
My parents had three kids right after the Second World War, and we were all sort of sickly. Then I had a fourth sibling, with very serious asthma. The medical bills... So my parents always struggled.
If we keep our little flame alive, our first feeling of enthusiasm of who we are, without the influence or intervention of others, we will prevail.
The only way I can lose my mind in bed is to destroy myself in a fantasy.
Sometimes you're doing really well, then, after three or four years, everything inexplicably crashes like a house of cards and you have to rebuild it. It's not like you get to a point where you're all right for the rest of your life.
I hadn't performed or been in the public eye for about 16 years. When my husband passed away, I was obliged to go back to work to take care of our kids. I also wanted to do a record in memory of him. So we did Gone Again. During that process, I had to be photographed and had to go back to doing articles and interviews.
In art and dream may you proceed with abandon. In life may you proceed with balance and stealth.
You can't make a mistake when you improvise.
New York has closed itself off to the young and the struggling. But there are other cities. Detroit. Poughkeepsie. New York City has been taken away from you. So my advice is: Find a new city.
When I'm on my own with my camera, taking these pictures, it feels as if I am in a room of my own, a self-contained world.
My mission is to communicate, to wake people up, to give them my energy and accept theirs. We're all in it together, and I respond emotionally as a worker, a mother, an artist, and a human being with a voice. We all have a voice. We have the responsibility to exercise it, to use it.
A writer, or any artist, can’t expect to be embraced by the people [but] you just keep doing your work - because you have to, because it’s your calling.
Art is by nature optimistic. Art is optimistic because it is alive.
That's what artists do, that's what poets do - we all do it. We start with something, and sometimes we destroy everything that we've made in order to get to the core place where we started from.
No, my work does not reflect my sexual preferences, it reflects the fact that I feel total freedom as an artist.
Punk rock is just another word for freedom.
If you don't have what you need, just rock with what you've got!
I never really wanted to be a singer - not with any longevity. But I always wanted to be a writer.
As an artist, I never wanted to be fettered by gender nor recognized or defined as a female poet, musician or singer. They don't do that with men - nobody says Picasso, the male artist. Curators call me up and say, "We want your work to be in a show about women artists," and I'm like, why? For Christ's sake, do we have to attach a gender onto everything?
Life is like a roller coaster. It's never going to be perfect - it is going to have perfect moments, and then rough spots, but it's all worth it.
No one expected me. Everything awaited me.
I'm not saying I wasn't flawed or amateurish. But you can never say I did anything to appease the music business.
We imagined ourselves as the Sons of Liberty with a mission to preserve, protect, and project the revolutionary spirit of rock and roll. We feared that the music which had given us sustenance was in danger of spiritual starvation. We feared it losing its sense of purpose, we feared it falling into fattened hands, we feared it floundering in a mire of spectacle, finance, and vapid technical complexity.
I wasn't attractive, I wasn't very verbal, I wasn't very smart in school. I wasn't anything that showed the world I was something special, but I had this tremendous hope all the time. I had this tremendous spirit that kept me going... I was a happy child, because I had this feeling that I was going to go beyond my body physical... I just knew it.
New generations are intoxicated with the idea that they can make their presence known on the Internet. When I was young, there wasn't anything comparable. Very few got their picture in a magazine, fewer made records. We have to stand back and let them get their footing. Hopefully they'll come to the realization that the most important thing is their work and how they conduct themselves.
Why can't I write something that would awake the dead? That pursuit is what burns most deeply.
An artist is somebody who enters into competition with God.
Good news doesn't necessarily have to be a positive thing. Bringing good news is imparting hope to one's fellow man.
The film [Dream of Life], in the end, is life-affirming, and I think it's always useful for people to be reminded that no matter how rough things get, no matter what kind of twists and turns our lives can take, we can keep going, we can create something new. camera is my friend, and I take it everywhere.
I daydream a lot - that's how I get my ideas. If I'm sitting in a café, I'm not on my phone because I want to hear my mind. I think that those periods of small solitude that we are really losing are so important.
Life isn't some vertical or horizontal line -- you have your own interior world, and it's not neat.
My father was a dreamy fellow - he read Plato and Socrates and watched Phillies games.
Love is an angel disguised as lust.
I'm here right now and I want now to be the greatest time.
We tried not to age, but time had its rage.
Desire is hunger is the fire I breathe, love is a banquet on which we feed.
Put down your cell phones, put everything away, and feel your blood pulsing in you, feel your creative impulse, feel your own spirit, your heart, your mind. Feel the joy of being alive and free.
People have the power to redeem the work of fools.
We were as Hansel and Gretel and we ventured out into the black forest of the world.
The artist seeks contact with his intuitive sense of the gods, but in order to create his work, he cannot stay in this seductive and incorporeal realm. He must return to the material world in order to do his work. It's the artist's responsibility to balance mystical communication and the labor of creation.
Swift is the arrow, dark is the thorn, the slate is clean, the future awaits, awake.
I know fashion is a material thing, but we live in a material world and I love clothes.
Please, no matter how we advance technologically, please don't abandon the book. There is nothing in our material world more beautiful than the book.
These are the times, the times of our own, these are the shapes the world we formed.
Freedom is...the right to write the wrong words.
It will not fall away. Man cannot judge it. For art sings of God, and ultimately belongs to Him.
We go through life. We shed our skins. We become ourselves.
The way our big cities change sucks. The beauty of cities was that they were edgy, sometimes even a little dangerous. Artists, poets, and activists could come and unify and create different kinds of scenes. Not just fashion scenes, scenes that were politically active. Big cities are getting so high-end oriented, business corporate fashion, fashion not in an artistic sense but in a corporate sense. For me that edgy beauty of cities is lost, wherever you go.
I think it's good for people to see the positive beauty that can flower from the deepest grieving.
I felt alien my whole life but I didn't feel alien because of my gender. Other people made me aware of my gender.
I immersed myself in books and rock 'n' roll, the adolescent salvation.
Deep in my heart how the presence of you shines, in a light to last a whole life through.
I think really that's just the basic Christian lesson that sometimes takes us years and years to understand - have equal concern for another human being as you have for yourself or perhaps even more concern for another human being than you have for yourself.
The sea is greater than us - it has its rhythm, its art. It comes with our earliest memory, of respiration, breathing in and out.
What will happen to us?" I asked. "There will always be us," he answered.
I love being alive. I like being a human being.
New York is the thing that seduced me. New York is the thing that formed me. New York is the thing that deformed me. New York is the thing that perverted me. New York is the thing that converted me. And New York is the thing that I love too.
I've said this over and over, but I'll say it a million more times - I'm concerned more about the death of a bee than I am about terrorism. Because we're losing hives and bees by the millions because of such strong pesticides.
I don't know about that. I'm not a very analytical person. I have various impulses. I've often quoted Walt Whitman's phrase "I contain multitudes." I understand that.
I've always thrived on the encouragement of others.
The moment of creative impulse is what an artist gives you. You look at a Pollock, and it can't give you the tools to do a painting like that yourself, but in doing the work, Pollock shares with you the moment of creative impulse that drove him to do that work.
I understood that in this small space of time we had mutually surrendered our loneliness and replaced it with trust.
I like my time on earth. And no matter what kind of cards I've been dealt, I'm happy to be there.
Those who have suffered understand suffering and therefore extend their hand.
We need a new cosmology. New gods. New sacraments. Another drink.
For life is the best thing we have in this existence. And if we should desire to believe in something, it should be a beacon within. This beacon being the sun, sea, and sky, our children, our work, our companions and, most simply put, the embodiment of love.
Make your interactions with people transformational, not just transactional.
My small torrent of words dissipated into an elaborate sense of expanding and receding. It was my entrance into the radiance of imagination. This process was especially magnified within the fevers of influenza, measles, chickenpox, and mumps. I got them all and with each I was privileged with a new level of awareness. Lying deep within myself, the symmetry of a snowflake spinning above me, intensifying through my lids, I seized a most worthy souvenir, a shard of heaven’s kaleidoscope.
All I've ever wanted to do was create freedom.
As far as I'm concerned, being any gender is a drag.
To me, punk rock is the freedom to create, freedom to be successful, freedom to not be successful, freedom to be who you are. It's freedom.
Grief starts to become indulgent, and it doesn't serve anyone, and it's painful. But if you transform it into remembrance, then you're magnifying the person you lost and also giving something of that person to other people, so they can experience something of that person.
Finally, by the sea, where God is everywhere, I gradually calmed.
Who can know the heart of youth but youth itself?
I always thought my father [influenced me most] because he was so well read, I tried to model myself on him, but really as I go through life I realise it was my mother who gave me the most valuable instructions. I didn't understand or accept it at the time. She taught me to read and to pray - two things that have really stayed with me.
I don't think anything can prepare you for one's losses.
The people have the power to redeem the work of fools. Upon the meek the graces shower, it's decreed the people rule.
I learned a lot from Arthur Rimbaud. People talk about how he wanted to be a seer and do that through the derangement of the senses. What they forget was that he also advocated, sternly and austerely, that one must be able to go through all that - and then articulate it.
If you over-plan, you close the door on possibilities.
Polaroid by its nature makes you frugal. You walk around with maybe two packs of film in your pocket. You have 20 shots, so each shot is a world.