Mike huckabee quotes
Explore a curated collection of Mike huckabee's most famous quotes. Dive into timeless reflections that offer deep insights into life, love, and the human experience through his profound words.
If the government can't track illegals, then let's outsource the job to UPS or FedEx.
People have foolishly mistaken equality for sameness. Equality of the genders means that both have equal value and worth, and one is not better than the other. But it doesn't mean we're all exactly the same. And many of us who still believe in gender separation say, 'Vive la difference!
Sometimes we talk about why we're importing so many people in our workforce. It might be for the last 35 years, we have aborted more than a million people who would have been in our workforce had we not had the holocaust of liberalized abortion under a flawed Supreme Court ruling in 1973.
Terrorists cut people's heads off and that's what they do in the Planned Parenthood clinics.
We need to be clear in calling out evil for what it is. When people will behead a child, and when people will leave people starving on top of a mountain without food or water - 40,000 of them - I don't care what religion it is: It's evil.
[W]atching ducks land on a lake in Arkansas in the winter is about the closest to Heaven as you can find on this earth... and as someone who believes, according to my faith, I will go to Heaven when I die, I am pretty sure that there is duck hunting in Heaven!
All of my children are ideologically and politically in sync with me, they all have authentic Christian faith. It's something I'm very grateful for.
The notion that the Supreme Court comes up with the ruling and that automatically subjects the two other branches to following it defies everything there is about the three equal branches of government. The Supreme Court is not the supreme branch. And for God's sake, it isn't the Supreme Being. It is the Supreme Court.
I think that, that it would be hard for New Hampshire to vote for somebody who was a fundamentalist minister, affable as he is. He does seem to actually want to write, for example, a prohibition against abortion into the Constitution , which Ronald Reagan, for all his talking about it, never tried to do one time.
Presidents Lincoln, Jefferson, Jackson, presidents have understood that the Supreme Court cannot make a law. They cannot make it. The legislature has to make it, the executive branch has to sign it and enforce it.
I'm from Hope, Arkansas, you may have heard of it. All I'm asking is, give us one more chance.
Christian conservatives care about their families eating. They're concerned about energy independence. They're concerned about functional government.
Fear is a very explosive emotion, but it has a short life span. It's the sprint. The marathon is hope.
Jesus was too smart to ever run for public office. That's what Jesus would do.
I did every diet: Atkins. Cabbage-soup diet. Dean Ornish. But I couldn't live the rest of my life like a rabbit.
My goal is not to win a straw poll that doesn't mean something. It's to win the election that means everything for the future of the country.
Stop illegal immigration. Stop these trade deals that are taking jobs from Americans. Build an economy that works for the people at the bottom, not just the ones at the top.
If Congress wants to mess with the retirement program, why don't we let them start by changing their retirement program, and not have one, instead of talking about getting rid of Social Security and Medicare that was robbed $700 billion dollars to pay for Obamacare.
There's a lot of us who do not accept the culture of the bubbles.
It seems like we're spending billions of dollars on whiz-bang technology and not enough money on human resources, which really is proven to be the most effective way of stopping terrorism.
Respect gay couples but no gay adoptions.
It's the best proposal that we ought to have, because it's flatter, it's fairer, it's finite, it's family-friendly. And instead we've had Congress that's spent money like [John] Edwards at a beauty shop.
The military is not a social experiment. The purpose of the military is kill people and break things.
You know, in my hometown of Hope, Arkansas, the three sacred heroes were Jesus, Elvis, and FDR, not necessarily in that order.
Marriage as an institution is not so much threatened by same-sex couples as it is by heterosexuals' increasing indifference to it.
I think people forget that bipartisanship is really the burden of the victor, not the loser.
I think at the heart of the pro-life movement is the idea that all people are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights starting with life.
People of faith feel responsible for God's world.
I love my kids; I'm very close to all three of them.
The Mayor of Boston says he won't allow Chick-Fil-A in Boston. Amazing that a mayor now has the power to stop commerce because he personally disagrees with the PERSONAL views of the CEO of a company.
We've had a Congress that's spent money like John Edwards at a beauty shop.
Outlaw all abortions; err on the side of life.
That's the fundamental question. Do we have a check and balance system? Do we have three equal branches or do we have one supreme branch, not just the Supreme Court? That's the fundamental question.
The reason America is a special nation is because it was founded by people who were first on their knees before they were on their feet. We are a nation rooted in our faith.
No one is more important to the future of our state than our teachers.
Raised some taxes based on court orders and voter approval.
We have something more reliable than a poll that changes everyday.
Prayer reminds me it's not just about me. It's about all the people with whom I share this planet, and all of whom God has created, and all of whom he cares just as much about as he cares about me.
The Bible, however, was not created to be amended and altered with each passing culture.
To say that we have to surrender to judicial supremacy is to do what Jefferson warned against, which is, in essence, surrender to judicial tyranny.
A leader is the one who can outline the broad vision and the direction, and say here's where we are going to go, here's why we need to go there, and here's how we are going to get there. A manager is the one who actually gets up under the hood and tunes the carburetor.
And they would ask, well, now, are you one of those narrow-minded Baptists who think only Baptists are going to heaven? To which I enjoy replying, now actually I'm more narrow than that, I don't think all the Baptists are going to make it.
Do you realize that if we could increase just by 50 percent the number of adults who have a college degree, it would add $5 billion to the economy and it would result in a net income to the state of Arkansas of $340 million a year?
Leadership is about making decisions with the information you have, not the information people will have 12 years later, i kind of feel sorry for my friend Jeb Bush.
I'll release my tax returns when Barack Obama releases his college transcripts and the copy of his admission records to show whether he got any loans as a foreign student. When he releases that, talk to me about my tax returns.
So when we're really addressing issues like poverty, you can't do that without addressing the real driver of some of those, which is stable homes, families. So that's why to me those issues are important. They're not frivolous. They're critical economic issues.
What the Iranians have said is, "we will wipe Israel off the face of the map, and we will bring death to America." When someone points a gun at your head and loads it, by God, you ought to take them seriously, and we need to take that seriously.
The government has no business knowing how much money we make and how we made it. It's none of their business. And that's why I believe that manufacturing is critical. If we can't feed ourselves, fuel ourselves and fight for ourselves, we can't be free.
Iraq war has made us overlook domestic agenda.
I think that I would have made a fine president. But it really came down for me to a very personal, a very intimate and a spiritual decision. I don't rule anything out for the long-term future.
We don't have a crime problem, a gun problem or even a violence problem. What we have is a sin problem. And since we've ordered god out of our schools, and communities, the military and public conversations, you know we really shouldn't act so surprised ... when all hell breaks loose.
But I think schools also ought to be fair to all views. Because, frankly, Darwinism is not an established scientific fact. It is a theory of evolution, that's why it's called the theory of evolution.
Don't let the culture influence your message, let your message influence the culture.
Regardless, heterosexual marriage is largely in trouble today because people see it as a selfish means of pleasing self, rather than a committed relationship in which the focus is on meeting the needs of the partner, that sense of selfishness and the redefinition of love as to something that is purely sentimental and emotional, has been destructive.
The most powerful demonstration of leadership is not a clenched fist of brute force but an open hand of humble assistance.
There's never been a civilization that has rewritten what marriage and family means and survived.
America's cultural table is set by the people living in the three bubbles - New York Washington D.C. and Hollywood.
You learn to handle the big moments in life by practicing on the little ones.
A fraudulent vote is a stolen vote. It steals a vote from the thin air and nullifies the legal and legitimate vote of a tax-paying citizen, whose rights to a fair election shouldn’t be tampered with. Winning an election is important, but winning it honestly is imperative in a Constitutional Republic.
I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God, and that's what we need to do is to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards.
I almost wish that there would be something like a simultaneous telecast and all Americans would be forced, forced - at gun point no less - to listen to every David Barton message.
I didn't get into politics because I thought government had a better answer. I got into politics because I knew government didn't have the real answers, that the real answers lie in accepting Jesus Christ into our lives.
Divorce is one of the key predictors of poverty for a child growing up in a home that's broken.
I support and have always supported passage of a federal constitutional amendment that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman. As President, I will fight for passage of this amendment. My personal belief is that marriage is between one man and one woman, for life.
Women I know are smart, educated, intelligent, capable of doing anything that anybody else can do.
There is a crisis in America. That crisis is divorce. It is easier to get out of a marriage than (to get out of a) contract to buy a used car.
The more that all of the external things began to materialize, the less the internal things began to crystallize.
When someone points a gun at your head and loads it, by God, you ought to take them seriously.
Politics has become unbelievably and unfortunately way too much about how much money is involved rather than what kind of ideas are involved.
If the federal government is truly serious about doing something with the AIDS virus, we need to take steps that would isolate the carriers of this plague.... It is difficult to understand the public policy towards AIDS. It is the first time in the history of civilization in which the carriers of a genuine plague have not been isolated from the general population, and in which this deadly disease for which there is no cure is being treated as a civil rights issue instead of the true health crisis it represents.
There is a difference between people who are educated and people who are smart.
Hi, I'm Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, wanting to say "Congratulations, Canada, on preserving your national igloo".
It's a matter of balance of power. If the Supreme Court could just make a ruling and everybody has to bow down and fall on their faces and worship that law, it isn't a law because it hasn't been yet passed.
A lot of people are talking about defunding planned parenthood, as if that's a huge game changer. I think it's time to do something even more bold. I think the next president ought to invoke the Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the constitution now that we clearly know that that baby inside the mother's womb is a person at the moment of conception.
When people are breaking the law, they don’t get an invitation to the White House. They ought to be getting an invitation to the big house... This is just an anathema to everything that the civil rights movement was truly all about and what it accomplished.
We ought to be people of compassion. And being people of compassion means we deny ourselves, and our self centeredness.
We ask why there's violence in our school but we've systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools have become such a place of carnage? Because we've made it a place where we don't want to talk about eternity, life, what responsibility means, accountability.
Sometimes, people mistake fire in the belly for too much pepperoni pizza the night before. They make a great speech and people come up to them and tell them, "You could be president." And the next thing you know, they're running, not because they really ought to or have any shot at doing it, but because they have, you know, a handful of people that tell them they are looking at the next president.
I'm a strong advocate for music. I think guitars are wonderful.
The real preparation for [Christ's] return is not to act like we know it's coming right now and do something different. It's to do what we should have been doing all along.
I want to be around people smart enough to know God created the heavens and the earth.
If consumers make better choices, the marketplace will change.
A wife is to submit graciously to the servant leadership of her husband even as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ.
He spent more time on the road to Damascus than a Syrian camel driver. And we thought nobody could fill John Kerry's flip-flops! ... [Romney's record was] anything but conservative until he changed all the light bulbs in his chandelier in time to run for President.
When our founding fathers put their signatures on the Declaration of Independence, those 56 brave people, most of whom by the way were clergymen, they said that we had certain inalienable rights given to us by our creator, and among these life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, life being one of them. I still believe that.
I believe Donald Trump would be better for America than Barack Obama, because he understands business. Donald Trump has taken a pro- life position. He believes that we're getting shanghaied by China.
People who are tired of K Street corruption and Wall Street greed are ready for Main Street Values.
I'm pretty sure there will be duck hunting in Heaven, and I can't wait.
I'll tell you what the fair tax does, it empowers the consumer and it lets people have their whole paycheck and it takes the power out of the hands of Congress and puts it in the hands of the consumer. That's power to the people.
American Psalms challenges Christian patriots to put aside personal agendas, prejudices and partisanship, and pray for our leaders as God commands.
I support workplace clean air. But a federal ban on smoking would mean that you couldn't smoke in your own home. I don't care what people do in their home.
Five people in robes said they are bigger than the voters of California and Congress combined. And bigger than God. May He forgive us all.
The most important thing about global warming is this. Whether humans are responsible for the bulk of climate change is going to be left to the scientists, but it's all of our responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future generations than we found it.
Families out there know that if they get in trouble and they've spent up a bunch of money and they've borrowed and they are up to hock to their necks, the thing they've got to do is start paying off what they owe and cut back their spending.
However, what Article VI [of the U.S. Constitution] does not do, and was never intended to do, is deny me the right to say, as loudly as I may choose, that I will on no account vote for a smirking hick like Mike Huckabee, who is an unusually stupid primate but who does not have the elementary intelligence to recognize the fact that this is what he is.
A healthier, less impoverished planet is good for all of us. From an economic standpoint, it allows people to contribute more to the marketplace and lead productive lives. U.S. foreign assistance opens new markets to U.S. goods and services and creates new trading partners and allies.
Government can ensure that we share schools and streets and lunch counters and buses and elevators and theaters, but let us never forget that only God can give us the power to love each other and to respect each other and to share life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
And the ultimate thing is, I may not be the expert that some people are on foreign policy, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.
I've always suggested if you can't stand the sight of your own blood, don't run for office.
I respect the courts, but the Supreme Court is only that - the supreme of the courts. It is not the supreme being. It cannot overrule God. When it comes to prayer, when it comes to life, and when it comes to the sanctity of marriage, the court cannot change what God has created.
Lets all be reminded, 60 million Americans are on Social Security, 60 million. A third of those people depend on 90% of their income from Social Security. Nobody in this country is on Social Security because they made the decision when they were starting work at 14 that they wanted to trust some of their money with the government.
I truly believe that America's best days are still ahead of her. And for this, I am thankful to God. I am thankful that one day the war on terror will end, not because we have lost, but because we have won! I am thankful that one day our economy will rebound, not because of governmental micro-management, but as a result of America's entrepreneurial resolve. I am thankful that one day the born and the unborn will be equal under the eyes of the law in every state.
It's when ordinary people rise above the expectations and seize the opportunity that milestones truly are reached.
Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?
[America has to import so many workers because] for the last 35 years we have aborted more than a million people who would have been in our workforce.
I would describe myself as a "total conservative, a conscientious one."
It's time for the government to scale back, not for people of faith to scale back!
The military is not a social experiment. The purpose of the military is kill people and break things. It's not to transform the culture by trying out some ideas that some people think would make us a different country and more diverse. The purpose is to protect America.
The best way is to say that as a Christian for me the essence of Christian faith is that you treat others as if you wish to be treated.
I'm not a Republican because I grew up rich, but because I didn't want to spend the rest of my life poor, waiting for the government to rescue me.
Pray a little more, work a little harder, save, wait, be patient and, most of all, live within our means. That's the American way. It's not spending ourselves into prosperity or taxing ourselves into prosperity.
You don't just give the executive branch unlimited resources, unlimited power. Our founders were very concerned about too much power being invested in any one, in any branch. The balance of power is fundamental to our system.
I believe most Americans want their next President to remind them of the guy they work with, not the guy who laid them off.
My purpose is to make sure that we protect every American, wherever that American is, and if an American is calling out for help, whether it's in Benghazi or at the border, then we ought to be able to answer it.
It's time that we recognize the Supreme Court is not the supreme being, and we change the policy to be pro-life and protect children instead of rip up their body parts and sell them like they're parts to a Buick.
USA has gone from Barney Fife to Barney Frank.
If anybody wants to believe they're the descendants of a primate, they're welcome to do it.
Fighting for ourselves means manufacturing our own weapons of self-defense.
I'm beginning to think theres more freedom in North korea sometimes than there is in the United States.
The fact is, my friends, most Americans don't want more government. They want less government.
It's more likely I'll dye my hair green, get a bunch of tattoos and go on tour with Amy Winehouse.
I didn't major in math. I majored in miracles, and I still believe in them, too.
It doesn't embarrass me one bit to let you know that I believe Adam and Eve were real people.
I'm not ashamed of the things I believe and why I believe them.
Pro-life includes improving life after birth.