Kevin gates quotes
Explore a curated collection of Kevin gates's most famous quotes. Dive into timeless reflections that offer deep insights into life, love, and the human experience through his profound words.
My daily conversation, it consists of hustle. Grinding from the bottom sick and tired of struggle.
The energy in the daytime is so different because everyone is so unhappy and depressed and you can pick up on that energy psychokinetically. So I like to come out at night. Everything's settled, you can see more.
Fall in love fast, make sure I handle it delicate
My grandmother was an English teacher for a while. And she stressed to me the importance of reading, being able to articulate well.
The ones that hate you most tend to be the people you know
I love God, I love everybody else around me as myself, and I love my enemy.
I just always wanted to study human behavior because every psychologist that I would talk to would tell me I was bipolar, and I know I'm not bipolar, so I had to perform a psychoanalysis on myself to find out that I have unresolved grief.
Anything lost, can be found again, except for time wasted A vision without action is merely a dream Action, it's the grind, it's the hustle, it's the persistence
Pray to god someone prays for me
Why accept failure when success is free?
Being in the neighborhood and the poverty stricken environment that I grew up in, I took a detour. I gravitated towards some of the individuals that did a lot of the wrong things with the right intentions.
Bein logical gave me a reason to doubt
Never break or fold, that's what it takes to be major.
I love to be clean. I wear the same things, all of my clothes pretty much look the same. I'm a plain and simple type of guy. I don't really do a lotta busy colors and things of that nature. I feel like less is more.
Can you keep up with the lingo
I suffer from depression. Severe cases of it. Not one case of depression, not a severe case, but severe cases of depression. Music is my only outlet, it's therapeutic to me. It's a release. It's how I vent emotionally.
Some may consider this a problem, I easily fall in love
I know my voice is very distinctive because in a room of 100 people, my voice is always picked out.
I vent through my music. That's the only outlet I have.
I don't pay attention to sales because it's not about that for me. It's about the music. Music is all I have.
I don't gang bang but I'll bang tha thang!
Knowledge is provided but only to those who need to know
Emotionally I'm an introvert but it come off as aggression
I've had good times and I've had bad times and I reminisce, maybe when I lay down, but throughout my day I keep myself engulfed in whatever moment I'm in because it could steer me into a depressed state.
Everytime the leaves are changing it's the loneliest time of the year
You have to be intimate with a person to know that person.
I write a lot of my best music in the car, like late night. Three, four in the morning. I'm in the passenger seat, I got my driver, my getaway driver. My Bonnie, I'm Clyde. That's when everything is just settled. In the daytime it's chaotic. Everybody just goin' nowhere fast. In a rush to go nowhere.
Say what you doin and not what you finna do
Breathing is so important with physical activity, then how much more important is it with psychological activity?
The Notebook ... that’s my favorite one. I’ve read that book 30 times. It gives a true depiction of two people that are in love.
A hot producer might not make a hot beat for me. I just love music.
I've always stood on my own two. I don't need a team. I don't do the entourage thing, 30 people. I don't do that. That's just not me.
When you come up in the slums, having nothin make you humble
I live by the ten percent rule. Save one, you save a thousand.
Wise men change, fools stay the same.
Let me hear the music. I'ma let the music instruct me on which way to go. Forwards, backwards, left, right. It's like boxing. I'm only as strong as my opponent.
Don't respect a lot of rappers, feel I had a harder life
I can't say any artist inspired me, because I'm inspired by the things that go on around me.
Everybody round you pretendin that they your partner, let you have a problem they won't even help you out
I'm inspired by everything that goes on around me. I'm a sponge. I'm very analytical. I notice the things that most people don't notice.
I have trust issues with allowing other individuals to know my innermost secrets for fear of how I may be viewed. Everyone has this.
Any artist that's as serious about making music as I am, I'm cool with that. But if you tellin' me, "Man, send me a verse and I'ma send you a verse." No. That's not collaborating. We don't know each other and I'm serous about this music.
I've just always been a reader. My grandmother just expressed the importance of literacy, if I said that correctly. She just always expressed the importance of being able to write and being able to read.
I did a lot of drugs. I didn't do multiple drugs, but I overindulged in whatever drug of choice.
Out my window.. I see everything I dream about and wished I had
I don't have a religion. I ain't nothing wrong with church as long as they selling chicken. Cause I read the Quran, I read the Kabalah, I read the Bible. They all got the same three basic principles: Love God, love your neighbor as yourself, and...As far as me being, I live by those principles.
Whatever an individual chooses to do with themselves, long as it doesn't affect me and they're respectful with it, I don't care what they do. Because I'm not perfect and I have flaws, so who would I be to be judgmental?
I love to make music, I love to get tattoos...That's just what I love. If I wasn't getting paid I'd still do it.
I got 6 jobs I don't get TIRED!
Loves a battlefield it's not a one night stand.
Seem like codeine is the one thing that help take my mind from the lies
To be honest I am not lookin to be romantic, already got someone at home
I'm a big skeptic so I won't just go off what an individual may tell me. I gotta do the research. I'ma get different literature on that one subject and just compare and contrast. I do my own selective studies.
I have trouble with letting go. That's my problem. Anybody that has extreme highs and extreme lows is bipolar to any psychologist and that's not necessarily the truth.
If you associate yourself with peer pressure or complacency, you're destined for failure.
It is illegal to steal my feelings and leave
Jail and the streets go hand in hand. You can't have one with out the other. They coincide.