Kate bush quotes
Explore a curated collection of Kate bush's most famous quotes. Dive into timeless reflections that offer deep insights into life, love, and the human experience through his profound words.
Moving stranger, Does it really matter, As long as you're not afraid to feel? Touch me, hold me. How my open arms ache! Try to fall for me.
I could find faults with all my albums because that's just a part of being an artist - it's hard being a human being, isn't it?
However, if I ever were in a position to choose who would play me, I think I'd choose Johnny Depp.
I suppose my biggest concern would be if the planet is going to be in good enough shape for the next generation to have the privileges that we've had.
All we're ever looking for is another open door.
I was so nervous every night that I had to really focus and keep myself in that moment so that I would not forget the words. I was really present for every song.
That doesn't matter. If it speaks to them and they get something positive from it, it's great.
The world is continually changing. I think in some ways it's changing in a very positive way.
I don't think it's a very nice idea [making biopic] at all. I don't think my life is that interesting.
Mozart didn't have Pro Tools, but he did a pretty good job.
I will say it is great to have a woman in charge of the country.
The more I think about sex, the better it gets. Here we have a purpose in life, good for the blood circulation, good for releasing the tension.
When you'd buy vinyl, you'd have this lovely-sized object with a lovely picture, and you'd read the lyrics and usually there was something artistic that went with it.
Maybe if my songs feel personal, that's very nice. I like that. I take that as a great compliment.
I think I was just lucky to be brought up in a very musical family. My two older brothers were, and still are, very musical and very creative, and music was a big part of my life from a very young age, so it is quite natural for me to become involved in music in the way that I did.
I think as a mature artist, you're probably always trying to undo the compromises of one's self [in general]. It's not necessarily to do with youth.
I think we're all a party to this information all the time. It's every day, in a way we probably weren't a few years ago. We're more informed, which is a good thing because war is always there somewhere on the planet.
Clowns are always creepy!
Every old sock meets an old shoe
[Theresa May] is a very intelligent woman but I don't see much to fear.
We let it in, we give it out, and in the end what's it all about? It must be love.
Quite often, lyrics get misunderstood - and I never mind that. I guess what all artists want is for their work to touch someone or for it to bethought provoking.
Just being alive It can really hurt These moments given Are a gift from time.
[Theresa May] is very sensible and I think that's a good thing at this point in time.
I think what is great is that if anything that I do is interesting to somebody else, then I really don't think it matters at all what I had originally intended.
Apart from the first set - which used high-level concert lighting - once you stepped into the two narrative pieces, we were working with lower-level theatrical lights. In most cases, people were really respectful of that.
I do think I go out of my way to be a very normal person and I just find it frustrating that people think that I'm some kind of weirdo reclusive that never comes out into the world. Y'know, I'm a very strong person and I think that's why actually I find it really infuriating when I read, 'She had a nervous breakdown' or 'She's not very mentally stable, just a weak, frail little creature'.
We have a female prime minister [Theresa May] here in the UK. I actually really like her and think she's wonderful. I think it's the best thing that's happened to us in a long time.
With some of the songs, we brought the pitch down to alto.I'm older, so naturally my voice is lower now.
Normally I don't compromise at all but it felt important to give that song the chance to be heard.
I knew I wanted it to be a piece of theatre rather than just a concert.
It's very unfortunate that war has always been and probably always will be a part of human beings on this planet. It's a terrible thing.
I'm not vanishing into thin air.
They were worried we wouldn't get any radio play at all[ for "A Deal with God" ]. That's why it was changed [to "Running Up That Hill"].
["A Deal with God"] was the first single off Hounds of Love. I'd put a lot of work into putting that album together and I wanted it to have every chance.
I don’t know you, And you don’t know me. It is this that brings us together.
Using telephones, they would be so intrusive and would really disrupt the show.
Bang goes another kanga on the bonnet of the van
50 Words of Snow just didn't seem to have the complications that quite a lot of albums have. It felt to me like it had this very good flow of energy.
I'm quite a private person and I like my work to do the talking.
If ever there's been somebody to hold as an icon of sheer determination and willpower, it's that guy [Stephen Hawking ], let alone any of the things he's done scientifically. I'm sure that's his driving force, but he's a miracle and an aspiration.
I've learned you can't take any steps to protect any art. It is so vulnerable.
I wasnt an easy, happy-go-lucky girl because I used to think about everything so much, and I think I probably still do.
For the last 12 years, I've felt really privileged to be living such a normal life. It's so a part of who I am.
To say that you like music is a bit like saying youlike the whole world.
As the people grow colder, I turn to my computer and spend my evenings with it like a friend.
In some ways, when you re-envision a song like that ["Never Be Mine"], there's a completely different energy to it each night.
The thing with 50 Words of Snow is that it was literally back-to-back from Director's Cut [also released in 2011]. It was more or less that I got to make two albums in one hit. I was already in this space in my mind to be writing and making an album.
You have a different audience. Your personal energy is different because some days you're energized, some nights you might be tired so that affects your memory and your emotion.
I just know that something good is going to happen. I don't know when - but just saying it could even make it happen.
I saw Stephen Sondheim's Sweeney Todd, which I thought was a masterpiece. Not that long ago, I listened to Blackstar by David Bowie and thought that was a masterpiece. Those are two incredibly talented people who've left their mark with us.
I spend a lot of time working and with my family, so I don't have much time around the edges to do much else. I don't really listen to a great deal of music. I love music, but since I spend a lot of time in the studio, we probably watch a movie rather than listen to albums. I get to hear stuff, but not on the grand scale.
I'd become very involved in the production, so the albums were taking longer. So it was never a deliberate decision not to do live shows. A few times, I've thought about doing them again, but it's just kind of never happened. I've just sort of gone the path of becoming a recording artist I guess.
I feel like I have to do some promotion to let the people know that the records are out there; but I kind of like the idea that it's my work that does the talking rather than me.
I think quotes are very dangerous things.
Disappearing act? That's a magic trick, isn't it? I like magic tricks!
It's not easy putting creative projects together. In my case, it might take a long time and you try to do the best.
The more I think about sex, the better it gets!
It's not important to me that people understand me.
The great thing about vinyl is that if you wanted to get a decent-sounding cut, you could really only have 20 minutes max on each side. So you had a strict boundary, and that was something I'd grown up with as well. Also, you were able to have different moods on each side, which was nice.
Sometimes people mishear my lyrics and think a song's about something it isn't.
I had friends but I was spending a great deal of my time alone and for me that was vital because there's an awful lot you learn about yourself when you're alone.
I think in some parts of our English history we've had huge amounts of almost too much great comedy. You kind of wonder how so much great work could come out of one country.
When I'm writing I've been playing something for a couple of hours and I'm almost in a trance. At two or three in the morning you can actually see bits inspiration floating about and grab them.
School was a very cruel environment and I was a loner. But I learnt to get hurt and I learnt to cope with it.
I have intentions as a writer, but people - when they're listening to a track - will take from it what they interpret.
My studio is a fantastic combination of old and new, and that's how I've always liked to work.
I think comedy and music are both things that we need as human beings. I think that both art forms can touch people.
Music is like comedy in that you can enjoy a very - for want of abetter word - sophisticated classical piece as much as you enjoy something that's very simple pop.
It's a real joy to be moved by something, but it doesn't happen often to me.
We let the weirdness in.
I don't think a lot of people listen to their old stuff, do they? I spent a long time making it, so I don't really want to spend much time listening to it again.
There is magic within, there is magic without. Follow me and you'll learn just what life's all about.
If you believe in what you do and you really want to be in music, just stick at it. It's always a learning process. Enjoy it because I think making music is a privilege, really. In an ideal world, it should also always be fun. As much as possible, make it fun.
Numbers are really fascinating things, and they do play a big part in our lives. They are a language of their own.
Everyone of us has a heaven inside.
The original vocals had an awful lot of work put into them at the time, and I wasn't really sure that I could better them - I don't know if I have bettered them.
My father was always playing the piano. He played all kinds of music - Gershwin, all kinds of stuff. He was really a hugely encouraging force to me when I was little.
We used to say "Ah Hell, we're young" But now we see that life is sad And so is love.
You're never really happy. I'm certainly not. That's a good thing. It means you're always striving to do better. You hope the next piece will be better.
The whole positioning and atmosphere of the song ["King of the Mountain"] was to build up this thunderstorm that would take us all onstage off into a story where we were suddenly in the middle of the ocean.
Its so fascinating to think about how each snowflake is completely individual - there are millions and millions of them, but each one is so unique.
Nobody really knows, do they? They told Stephen Hawking he only had a year left to live and how many years ago was that? You can't know it all.
Even just making albums - which was more within the structure that I've worked in for years - you have no idea how people will respond. You don't know if it'll be any good whatsoever. It can be terrifying.
I love words, I think they're fascinating and incredibly wonderful things and part of the joy of my work is that I not only get to work with music but also with words. Sometimes it's a difficult process but a lot of the time it's really fun.
Whatever is going on in your life when you're writing has to somehow seep into your work.
I think each album does have a different energy, otherwise you'd be doing the same thing again and not experimenting anew... Albums are such autobiographical material, not in the material but as an expression of what you're like at the time.
When I was singing "King of the Mountain," it was a pivotal point in the show. That's the song that took us from this concert setting of individual songs into the theatrical narrative piece.
I love comedy. I like to think that there's a sense of humor in some of my music - obviously not all of it.
For me, having a child is a really great responsibility because you've got something there that is depending on you for information and love until a certain age when it goes to school.
Being nervous actually kept me very tense.
The only person with you all your life is you. Your parents die. Things inside you die — illusions, gushes of personality. Only you can sort yourself out. Yourself may not be all you need, but it’s all you’ve got.
When I've heard a piece of music or seen a painting that moves me, it gives me something.
When I was first writing, I used to sit at the piano and play songs - I'd write one or two a night. It was my hobby. At some point, it then became a process that was mainly done within the context of the studio, and writing became part of the recording process.
I'm always hunting and prowling. I'm sure Brian [Bath] was exaggerating!
I suppose in some ways doing some of the songs in the show felt a bit like I was doing cover versions. I was covering myself. Not that they didn't feel like my songs, but the way I was approaching them was from a place so outside where they were written. The fact that these songs were in the context of a live show was a new thing.
Comedy is a very big part of the English culture, the sense of humor; it's a very dominant trait.
You hope that the ideas will come together. You just don't know. That's part of what I suppose is part of being brave and putting creative work out there.
You have to try and embrace it all and everyone who represents that change because it is happening.
I didn't dare let my mind wander off.
There are a lot of very strong connections with music and mathematics. They both can work in patterns and sequences and repetitions.
It's not that I don't like American pop; I'm a huge admirer of it, but I think my roots came from a very English and Irish base. Is it all sort of totally non-American sounding.
All the time it's a changing And all the dreamers are waking.
What am I singing? A song of seeds The food of love. Eat the music.
It wasn't that we were afraid of the Church or the Vatican. The record company thought people might find the title offensive. They asked me if I would change ["A Deal with God"].
I just could not stand the idea of eating meat - I really do think that it has made me calmer.... People's general awareness is getting much better, even down to buying a pint of milk: the fact that the calves are actually killed so that the milk doesn't go to them but to us cannot really be right, and if you have seen a cow in a state of extreme distress because it cannot understand why its calf isn't by, it can make you think a lot.
I spend a lot of my time looking at blue, The colour of my room and my mood.
Im the shyest megalomaniac youre ever likely to meet.
As an artist, you're never happy with anything you do. It's part of the process.
But I don't have a very good track record with royalty. My dress fell off in front of Prince Charles at the Prince's Trust, so I'm just living up to my reputation.
What I've tended to do is to use my own experiences to get into someone else's mind, like in Wuthering Heights.
I think that music is something that surpasses trends, fashions; music is something much deeper.
I haven't actually seen a Lady Gaga tour, but I do think she's very good.
For "Running Up That Hill" we had worked with a drum machine [in 1985]; the basic rhythms of "Running Up That Hill" happened because the whole track was built on a drum machine.
We deliberately chose a small theatre so that the show was still intimate and the audience would become a part of the show.
Clothes are such a strong part of who a human being is.
Don't ever think that you can't change the past.
When I'm a man, I will be an astronaut, and find Peter Pan on the second star on the right.
I love the whirling of the dervishes. I love the beauty of rare innocence. You don't need no crystal ball, Don't fall for a magic wand. We humans got it all, we perform the miracles.
Don't fall for a magic wand, we humans got it all, we perform the miracles.
[For Before the Dawn] it was in the hands of a fantastic drummer and percussionist and who drove it into another moment in time. It's such a poignant song and it was transformed into entirely different beast.
The great thing about art on any level is that it can speak to all people if it's achieved properly.
My desire was never to be famous. It was to try and create something interesting musically if I could.
I just try to put myself in the sense of being a character, sometimes male. I suppose I just like the idea of trying to be different people coming from all kinds of different angles. Most of it was just from my imagination.
I split it up into working on the two narrative pieces that can tell a story. The scariest thing was whether I'd be any good performing live again. It was such a long time since I'd done any live work. It's so different for me than recording. Every night my audiences were what I would dream of. You could just feel their support.