Kami garcia quotes
Explore a curated collection of Kami garcia's most famous quotes. Dive into timeless reflections that offer deep insights into life, love, and the human experience through his profound words.
I'm not falling anymore. That's what L says, and she's right. I guess you could say I'm flying. We both are. And I'm pretty sure somewhere up there in the real blue sky and carpenter bee greatness, Amma's flying, too. We all are, depending on how you look at it. Flying or falling, it's up to us. Because the sky isn't really made of blue paint, and there aren't just two kinds of people in this world, the stupid and the stuck. We only think there are. Don't waste your time with either-with anything. It's not worth it.
High school sucked. It was a universal truth, and whoever said these were supposed to be the best years of your life was probably drunk or delusional.
I loved her, atom by atom, one burning cell at a time.
Hey, Ethan." "Yeah?" "Remember the Twinkie on the bus? The one I gave you in second grade, the day we met?" "The one you found on the floor and gave me without telling me? Nice." He grinned and shot the ball. "It never really fell on the floor. I made that part up.
The more I learned about the world I thought I knew and all the ones I didn't, the more everything threaded together, leading everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
The stuffs you're good at and the stuffs you're bad at are just different parts of the same thing. Same goes for people you love and the people you don't. And the people who love you and the people who don't. The only thing that mattered was that you cared about a few people.
Obviously the whole Wayward thing hasn't been explained to you properly. You don't have any superpowers. You can't leap over tall buildings in a single bound or fight Dark Casters with your magic cat. Basically, you're a glorified tour guide who's no better equipped to face a bunch of Dark Casters than Mary P. over here -Ridley
She didn't say a work, and I gave up trying, because you couldn't hear either one of us over the shattering noise of hearts breaking and the looming shadow of the last word, the one we refused to say.
Nothing was ever how you wanted it to be. Not anymore. Not for me.
Blood of my heart, protection is thine. Life of my life, taking yours, taking mine Body of my body, marrow and mind Soul of my soul, to our spirit bind Blood of my heart, my tides, my moon Blood of my heart, my salvation, my doom
What did you do to Amma?" "I was late to school." He studied my face. I studied his. "Number 2?" I nodded. "Sharp?" "Started out sharp and then she sharpened it.
The library was home away from home to my mom, and my family. We had spent every Sunday afternoon there since I was a little boy, wandering around the stacks, pulling out every book with a picture of a pirate ship, a knight, a soldier, or an astronaut. My mom used to say, "This is my church, Ethan. This is how we keep the Sabbath holy in our family.
You're incredibly, absolutely, extremely, supremely, unbelievably different.
Maybe there isn't a meaning to life. Maybe there's only a meaning to living.
I love her beyond the universe and back. I love her from this world to the next.
the missing piece my breath my heart my memory me the other half the missing half
In Light there is Dark, and in Dark there is Light.
bent like the branches of a tree broken like the pieces of my heart cracked like the seventeenth moon shattered like the glass in the window the day we met
You end up taking your sugar with your salt and your kicks with your kisses.
We don't get to chose what is true. We only get to choose what we do about it.
Arelia looked up at Macon. "It's not the house that protects her. It's the boy. I've never seen anything like it. No Caster can come between them.
the wheel of fate crushes us all
It almost felt like she was sucking it all out of me, like she sucked on that sticky red lollipop, the one she kept licking as she drove.
Power is neither good nor evil.
falling not flying one lost muddy shoe like the lost worlds between me and you
I watched the way they looked at each other. Any idiot could see they were in love, even if they were the only two idiots who couldn't.
It was a promise she knew I might not be able to keep. But I made it anyway because I was going to find a way to make it true.
I suppose I am a snob. I loathe towns. I loathe townspeople. They have small minds and giant backsides. Which is to say, what they lack in interiors they make up in posteriors.
You couldn't unburn the books. You could only buy new ones.
Stupid to the power of stupid.
Just as I lay back, she sat up. I sat up, and she flopped back down. Awkward. That was my every move when it came to her. Now we were both lying down, staring up at the blue sky.
No, I'm too busy trying to deflect your Power of Stupidity. But I don't think I'm strong enough.
I don't want ta hear that kinda dirty talk comin' from you." "What, fanny? Fanny fanny fanny!
The story you are afraid to write is usually the one you are meant to tell.
I didn't want to choose one world. I wanted to be part of both. I didn't want to see only one side of the sky. I wanted to see it all.
words same as always same as nothing when nothing is the same
Maybe all crows were just creepy.
Sometimes things aren't what they seem and even a Seer can't see what's commin'.
The beginning of a book is always the hardest part for me. I'm a Chapter 3 kind of writer, which means I naturally start at Chapter 3.
...you cannot punish a wet child for the rain.
Ethan: I love you, I whispered in her ear. She held my face in her hands and leaned back so she could look at me. Lena: I don't think I could ever love anything the way I love you.
It wasn't about how she looked, which was pretty, even though she was always wearing the wrong clothes and those beat-up sneakers. It wasn't about what she said in class--usually something no one else would've thought of, and if they had, something they wouldn't have dared to say. It wasn't that she was different from all the other girls at Jackson. That was obvious. It was that she made me realize how much I was just like the rest of them, even if I wanted to pretend I wasn't.
When she slept, she looked peaceful, beautiful. Not Lena's kind of beautiful, something different. She looked content - like a sunny day, a cold glass of milk, an unopened book before you cracked the binding.
In one moment I was feeling everything and I was feeling nothing.
There is a point. I don't know what it is, but everything I've had, and everything I've lost, and everything I felt-it meant something. Maybe there isn't a meaning to life. Maybe there's only a meaning to living. That's what I've learned. That's what I'm going to be doing from now on. Living. And loving, as sappy as it sounds
Some things are private, Ethan. Even for grown-ups.
Fate decides until challenged by the fated
Writing a book is hard. It turns out, writing a second book is twice as hard.
You need help, and that's what books are for.
I couldn't sit by and watch them try to take her down. Not her.
And have her back by midnight. " "Is that some powerful Caster hour?" "No. It's her curfew.
I'm not even sure we remembered to kiss. What we had went deeper than a kiss
Are you accusing me of reading? ~ Ridley
No, books. She would have maybe twenty going at a time, lying all over our house--on the kitchen table, by her bed, the bathroom, our car, her bags, a little stack at the edge of each stair. And she'd use anything she could find for a bookmark. My missing sock, an apple core, her reading glasses, another book, a fork.
The ways I could hurt her and hurt myself. Those two things were intertwined somehow. It's hard to explain, but when you were as closed off as I was the past few months, opening felt as wrong as stripping naked in church.
Ethan Wate: What I can't figure is, you go to church everyday, how do you believe in all of this and still believe in God? Amma: God created all things didn't he? Only man will decide which ones is mistakes. - Beautiful Creatures
The poems are all wrong. It's a bang, a really big bang. Not a whimper. And sometimes gold can stay.
Was it really so far-fetched to think that words had a way of shaping a person's whole life?
We are given to the great, for great purpose, to great ends. We are given to the grave, for grave purposes, to grave ends.
I stared at the creased map on my wall, the thin green line connecting all the places I had read about. There they were, all the cities of my imaginary future, held together with tape and marker and pins. In six months, a lot had changed. There was no thin green line that could lead me to my future anymore. Just a girl.
I only assumed those dresses were costumes, based on the garish nature of the plumage.
Who can judge the judge?
surrounded by strangers who love me (un)strangers made strange by pain
I'm just the librarian. I can only give you the books. I can't give you the answers.
Darkness, true darkness, is something more than lack of light.
And you can look up just about anything, even dirty pictures. Every now and again, the dirtiest pictures you ever saw would pop up on the screen. Imagine!
I had never been this mad at her before. It was one thing to be attacked by someone you hated, but this was something else. This was the kind of hurt that could only be inflicted by someone you loved, who you thought loved you. It was sort of like being stabbed from the inside out.
Dig deep. Find your way to your soul.
You couldn't take two roads. And once you were on one, there was no going back.
You watch yourself. One day you're going to pick a hole in the sky and the universe is gonna fall right through. Then we'll all be in a fix
I was a fine arts major in college, and a painter for many years. And I found that, like writing, art is very similar.
red plastic rain her tears stain
There’s something about sitting alone in the dark that reminds you how big the world really is, and how far apart we all are. The stars look like they’re so close, you could reach out and touch them. But you can’t. Sometimes things look a lot closer than they are.
Here’s the million-dollar question: how are you going to write this book if you’re afraid to start writing? Give your friend Doubt a name, and then block his calls.
These are the kinds of things a guy thinks about when he visits his own grave.
I'll love you until the day after forever.
Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be.
moments bleed together, no span to time
we love what we love and who we love who we love and why we love why we love and find a falling shoelace knotted and strung between the fingers of strangers
Jewelry, I'm telling you. It's a thing. And love. And maybe danger.
They're headed for some place called the Great Barrier." "A place that doesn't exist." Liv was shaking her head, checking the rotating dials on her wrist. Link pushed away his plate, still covered with food. "So let me get this straight. We're gonna go down into the Tunnels and find this moon outta time with Liv's fancy watch?" "Selenometer." Liv didn't look up from copying numbers from the dials into her red notebook.
South of Somewhere and north of Nowhere.
There wasn't enough chocolate in the world to make this better.
I really was alone, and the only thing worse than being alone was having everyone else see how lonely you were
Aw, come on. I barely speak English, unless we're talking about the Lowcountry kind.
Even in the slippery blur of heat and arms and noise, Lena affected everything in her wake, a pull as powerful as the moon to the tides, or the planets to the sun. I was caught in her orbit, even as she pulled away from mine.
"Well? Is it true? Did she?" "Did she what?" "You know. Fall outta the crazy tree and hit every branch on the way down?"
I needed to touch her, like I needed to breathe.
If a girl says not to get her a birthday present that means get me a birthday present and make sure it's jewelry.
In history, she wasn't there while we reenacted the Lincoln-Douglas Debate, and Mr. Lee tried to make me argue the Pro-Slavery side, most likely as punishment for some future liberally minded paper I was bound to write.
I couldn't look at her. I'd been jealous and hurt, and I had dragged Liv into the middle of my own broken mess of a life. All because I thought Lena didn't love me anymore. But I was stupid, and I was wrong. Lena loved me so much, she was willing to risk everything to save me. I had given up on Lena, after she had refused to give up on me. I owed her my life. It was as simple as that.
There is a point. I don't know what it is, but everything I've had, and everything I've lost, and everything I felt—it meant something.
Laws of physics laws of love of time and space and the (in)between place (in)between you and me and where we are lost and looking looking and lost
What we had went so much deeper than a kiss. When we were together, she turned me completely inside out. It didn't matter if we were dead or alive. We could never be kept apart. There were some things more powerful than worlds or universes. She was my world, as much as I was hers. What we had, we knew. The poems are all wrong. It's a bang, a really big bang. Not a whimper. And sometimes gold can stay. Anybody who's ever been in love can tell you that.
There are lots of things we choose not to see. Doesn't mean they aren't there, even if we wish they weren't.
Lena's hair was sticking out in about fifteen directions, and her eyes were all small and puffy from crying. So this was what girls looked like in the morning. I had never seen one, not up close.
Lena made a face. She almost never wore makeup; she didn't have to. "You know, it's not like we all sign a contract with Maybelline when we turn thirteen.
Lies, lies are the place where darkness grows.
Exactly. They're stupid. Who cares?" "I care. They bother me. And that's why I'm stupid. That makes me exponentially more stupid than stupid. I'm stupid to the power of stupid." She waved her hand. The moon blew away. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." I looked at her out of the corner of my eye.
I'll drive like my grandma. I'll drive like your grandma." "You wouldn't say that if you knew my gramma.
She was my destination. I was always on the way to Lena, even when I wasn't. Even when she wasn't on her way to me.
Oblivion eyes on a cereal box, the warm blinds of a father lost and last to know lost and last to love last boy lost you can't see even a bubble once it's popped
My mom was there, in some form, in some sense, in some universe. My mom was still my mom, even if she only lived in books and door locks and the smell of fried tomatoes and old paper. She lived.
It's crazy what you see if you aren't really looking.
A kiss that was every bit as big and every bit as small as a kiss can be.
Old things are better than new things, because they've got stories in them, Ethan.
Don’t spit down my back and tell me it’s raining.
I start with a beat sheet, which is more of an abbreviated outline. It hits all the major plot points. From there, I move to note cards. But the most important part of my process is my inspiration board.
Darkness, real darkness, was more than just a lack of light.
Do you believe in love after last sight?
Sharpie? A mischievous smile spread across her face. I thought you said you couldn't control your powers. Beginner's luck.
In death, lie. In living, cry. Carry me home to remember to be remembered.
It was pretty obvious Lena wanted to be asked. Another mysterious thing about girls- they want to be asked to stuff even if they don't want to go.
I never loved you any more than I do, right this second. And I'll never love you any less than I do, right this second.
Was it worth it? Feeling better for a minute or two, knowing that the cold would still be out there waiting?
There were only two kinds of people in our town. ―The stupid and the stuck- ―The ones who are bound to stay or too dumb to go. Everyone else finds a way out.
Ladies first." "Why is it men only say that when it's something horrible or dangerous?
Maybe it needed to be broken. Sometimes things have to break before you can fix them.
I watched for her hair to curl, the telltale Caster breeze. It didn't move. This wasn't Caster magic she was working. It was another kind altogether. She couldn't charm her way out from under Macon's watch. She would have to resort to older magic, stronger magic, the kind that had worked best on Macon from the time she first moved to Ravenwood. Plain old love.
Who burns me and shocks me and shatters me with a single touch.
It smelled like aging wood and creosote, plastic book covers, and old paper. Old paper, which my mom used to say was the smell of time itself.
Even lost in the darkness, my heart will find you.
You're not the only one falling
Mortals. I envy you. You think you can change things. Stop the universe. Undo what was done long before you came along. You are such beautiful creatures.
Good for you, Ethan." That's what my poor mama would've said. Ma'am.