Francis chan quotes
Explore a curated collection of Francis chan's most famous quotes. Dive into timeless reflections that offer deep insights into life, love, and the human experience through his profound words.
The wise man comes to God without saying a word and stands in awe of Him.
Has your relationship with God changed the way you live your life?
The point is not to completely understand God but to worship Him. Let the very fact that you cannot know Him fully lead you to praise Him for His infiniteness and grandeur.
Lukewarm people give money to charity and to the long as it doesn't impinge on their standard of living. Lukewarm people tend to choose what is popular over what is right. Lukewarm people don't really want to be saved from their sin; they want to be saved from the penalty of their sin. Lukewarm people rarely share their faith with their neighbors, coworkers, or friends. Lukewarm people are thankful for their luxuries and comforts, and rarely consider trying to give as much as possible to the poor.
The irony is that while God doesn’t need us but still wants us, we desperately need God but don’t really want Him most of the time.
Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter.
Colossians 1:16 tells us that everything was created FOR God... don't we live instead as though God is created for US, to do OUR bidding, to bless US, and to take care of OUR loved ones?
I quickly found that the American church is a difficult place to fit in if you want to live out New Testament Christianity. The goals of American Christianity are often a nice marriage, children who don't swear, and good church attendance. Taking the words of Christ literally, and seriously, is rarely considered. That's for the 'radicals' who are 'unbalanced' and who go 'overboard.' Most of us want a balanced life we can control, that is safe, and that does not involve suffering.
In reality, not one of us will ever be worthy. It is useless to attempt earning it; you'll never feel ready. It is unknown and uncomfortable. But there really is a God who forgives everything and loves endlessly.
We live in a time when Christians need to be told that they are supposed to live like Christ. That's Weird.
True faith means holding nothing back. It means putting every hope in God's fidelity to His Promises.
People who are obsessed with God have an intimate relationship with Him. They are nourished by God's Word throughout the day because they know that forty minutes on Sunday is not enough to sustain them for a whole week, especially when they will encounter so many distractions and alternative messages.
Where it gets weird is that nowadays there are millions of people on this earth who call themselves followers of Jesus, but their lives look nothing like His, and they're not obeying the things that He called them to do.
God's definition of what matters is pretty straightforward. He measures our lives by how we love.
If a guy were dating my daughter but didn't want to spend the gas money to come pick her up or refused to buy her dinner because it cost too much, I would question whether he were really in love with her In the same way, I question whether many American churchgoers are really in love with God because they are so hesitant to do anything for Him." Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God
As we begin to focus more on Christ, loving Him and others becomes more natural. As long as we pursuing Him, we satisfied in Him. It is when we stop actively loving Him that we find ourselves restless and gravitating toward other means of fulfillment
Making disciples isn’t about gathering pupils to listen to your teaching. The real focus is not on teaching people at all–the focus is on loving them.
Do you understand that it's impossible to please God in any way other than wholehearted surrender?
We need to be more concerned about who we are before God than our reputation before people.
The greatest knowledge we can ever have is knowing God treasures us.
When I am consumed by my problems-stressed out about my life, my family, and my job-I actually convey the belief that I think the circumstances are more important than God's command to always rejoice.
God never breaks His promises.
Our lack of intimacy is due to our refusal to unplug and shut off communication from all others so we can be alone with Him.
We are most alive when we are loving and actively giving ourselves because we were made to do these things.
Lukewarm people don't really want to be saved from their sin; they want only to be saved from the penalty of their sin.
We have become dangerously comfortable- believers ooze with wealth and let their addictions to comfort and security numb the radical urgency of the gospel.
I think most American churchgoers are the soil that chokes the seed because of all the thorns. Thorns are anything that distracts us from God. When we want God and a bunch of other stuff, then that means we have thorns in our soil. A relationship with God simply cannot grow when money, sins, activities, favorite sports teams, addictions, or commitments are piled on top of it.
We should be so joyful from God's grace that others would respond by saying, 'I wish I had your God.
God is the only being who is good, and the standards are set by Him. Because God hates sin, He has to punish those guilty of sin. Maybe that's not an appealing standard. But to put it bluntly, when you get your own universe, you can make your own standards.
Let us be eager to leave what is familiar for what is true.
We need to stop giving people excuses not to believe in God. You've probably heard the expression 'I believe in God, just not organized religion'. I don't think people would say that if the church truly lived like we are called to live.
My love for prayer was an answer to prayer.
God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. The answer to religious complacency isn't working harder at a list of do's and don'ts-it's falling in love with God.
Life is about Jesus. We are not here to tell our story, but His.
Christians today like to play it safe. We want to put ourselves in situations where we are safe 'even if there is no God.' But if we truly desire to please God, we cannot live that way.
Do you love this God who is everything, or do you just love everything He gives you?
The world is not moved by love or actions that are of human creation. And the church is not empowered to live differently from any other gathering of people without the Holy Spirit. But when believers live in the power of the Spirit, the evidence in their lives is supernatural. The church cannot help but be different, and the world cannot help but notice.
You find that the things you let go of while following Jesus were the things that were going to destroy you in the end.
We often think of prayer as a means to an end. Prayer is the goal.
True love requires sacrifice.
Trust whatever He has for you. It will be better than anything you can plan for yourself.
I believe He wants us to love others so much that we go to extremes to help them. I believe He wants us to be known for giving—of our time, our money, and our abilities—and to start a movement of ‘giving’ churches. In so doing, we can alleviate the suffering in the world and change the reputation of His bride in America.
Worry implies that we don't quite trust God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what's happening in our lives.
The Bible teaches that true joy is formed in the midst of the difficult seasons of life.
We don't get to decide who God is.
God doesn’t call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him.
The truth is that the Spirit of the living God is guaranteed to ask you to go somewhere or do something you wouldn't normally want or choose to do. The Spirit will lead you into the way of the cross, as He led Jesus to the cross, and that is definitely not a safe or pretty or comfortable place to be. The Holy Spirit of God will mold you into the person you were made to be.
Without action and fruit, all the theology in the world has little meaning.
I don't want my life to be explainable without the Holy Spirit. I want people to look at my life and know I couldn't be doing this by my own power. I want to live in such a way that I am desperate for Him to come through. That if He doesn't come through, I am screwed.
We have got to make disciples. Fun nights and pizza nights are not going to sustain us.
Are we in love with God or just His stuff?
Again, our marriage problems are not really marriage problems. They are heart problems. They are God problems. Our lack of intimacy with God causes a void that we try to fill with the frailest of substitutes. Like wealth or pleasure. Like fame or respect. Like people. Like marriage.
It is not scientific doubt, not atheism, not pantheism, not agnosticism, that in our day and in this land is likely to quench the light of the gospel. It is a proud, sensuous, selfish, luxurious, church-going, hollow-hearted prosperity.
God doesn't want religious duty. He doesn't want a distracted, half-hearted, 'Fine, I'll read a are You happy?' attitude. God wants His word to be a delight to us, so much that we meditate on it day and night.
Lukewarm people call 'radical' what Jesus expected of all His followers.
Because when you’re wildly in love with someone, it changes everything.
The very fact that a holy, eternal, all-knowing, all-powerful, merciful, fair, and just God loves you and me is nothing short of astonishing.
There is nothing better than giving up everything and stepping into a passionate love relationship with God, the God of the universe who made galaxies, leaves, laughter, and me and you.
People who are obsessed with Jesus aren't consumed with their personal safety and comfort above all else. Obsessed people care more about God's kingdom coming to this earth than their own lives being shielded from pain or distress.
It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe - the creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor - loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss.
True faith manifests itself through our actions.
A key to everything is surrender - to really come before the Lord and say, 'I will literally stay here as long as you want me to stay' or 'God, I will really go anywhere on the earth.'
Proclaiming the gospel to a lost world cannot be just another activity to add to the church's crowded agenda. It must be central to who we are. It forms our identity.
The core problem isn’t the fact that we’re lukewarm, halfhearted, or stagnant Christians. The crux of it all is why we are this way, and it is because we have an inaccurate view of God. We see Him as a benevolent Being who is satisfied when people manage to fit Him into their lives in some small way. We forget that God never had an identity crisis. He knows that He’s great and deserves to be the center of our lives.
But God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through.
The disciples obey because that's what people do when someone rises from the dead and gives instructions.
Lukewarm people do not live by faith; their lives are structured so they never have to. They don't have to trust God if something unexpected happens- they have their savings account. They don't need God to help them- they have their retirement plan in place. They don't genuinely seek out what life God would have them live- they have life figured and mapped out. They don't depend on God on a daily basis- their refrigerators are full and, for the most part, they are in good health. The truth is, their lives wouldn't look much different if they suddenly stopped believing in God.
I believe He wants us to love others so much that we go to extremes to help them.
He wants all or nothing. The thought of a person calling himself a 'Christian' without being a devoted follower of Christ is absurd.
Having faith often means doing what others see as crazy.
Churchgoers all across the nation say the Holy Spirit has entered them. They claim that God has given them a supernatural ability to follow Christ, put their sin to death, and serve the church. Christians talk about being born again say that they they were dead but now have come to life. We have become hardened to those words, but they are powerful words that have significant meaning. Yet when those outside the church see no difference in our lives, they begin to question our integrity, out sanity, or even worse, our God. And can you blame them?
Lukewarm people don't really want to be saved from their sin; they want only to be saved from the penalty of their sin. They don't genuinely hate sin and aren't truly sorry for it; they're merely sorry because God is going to punish them. Lukewarm people don't really believe that this new life Jesus offers is better than the old sinful one.
Jesus said go and make disciples, but so often we just sit and make excuses
When we work for Christ out of obligation, it feels like work. But when we truly love Christ, our work is a manifestation of that love, and it feels like love.
We never grow closer to God when we just live life. It takes deliberate pursuit and attentiveness.
In the craziness of our world, it takes tremendous effort to find a quiet place. It takes time to quiet your mind and your heart before the Lord.
God's art speaks of Himself, reflecting who He is and what He is like.
Don't fall into the trap of studying the Bible without doing what it says.
God has allowed hard things in your life so you can show the world that your God is great and that knowing Him brings peace and joy, even when life is hard.
A disciple is a disciple maker.
The church becomes irrelevant when it becomes purely a human creation. We are not all we were made to be when everything in our lives and churches can be explained apart from the work and presence of the Spirit of God.
The fact is, I need God to help me love God. And if I need His help to love Him, a perfect being, I definitely need His help to love other, fault-filled humans.
When the church really takes on the humble characteristics of Christ, that's going to lead to revival.
To call someone a Christian simply because he does some Christian-y things is giving false comfort to the unsaved.
Something is wrong when our lives make sense to unbelievers.
In China I told pastors about how, in the West, we have these church buildings and how we go to services each week that last an hour or so. I told them how if we don't like the music or the message then we can go to different buildings and services... They all broke out into laughter. They thought I was the funniest guy they had ever seen.
My biggest concern for this generation is your inability to focus, especially in prayer.
God interrupt whatever we are doing so that we can join You in what You're doing
I’ve got this amazing relationship with God that is better than life, itself, so marvelous, so wonderful that everything else can fall apart and I’m okay.
The God who loans you life sees your every move, hears each word you speak, knows your every thought. You are seen by God. Noticed. Known.
The world says love yourself, grab all you can, follow your heart. Jesus says deny yourself, grab your cross and follow me.
God's presence is all that matters.
My pride and immaturity caused me to make things more of a struggle than they had to be. I can always blame others or circumstances, but the truth was that my own sinful pride led to more stress than anything else.
The stress that some of us feel - it's a lack of faith, it really is.
In our world, where hundreds of things distract us from God, we have to intentionally and consistently remind ourselves of Him.
Only the Holy Spirit can give you the power to not think about yourself, to set you free from yourself.
Marriage is one of the most humbling, sanctifying journeys you will ever be a part of. It forces us to wrestle with our selfishness and pride. But it also gives us a platform to display love and commitment.
God is not just one thing we add to the mix called life. He wants an invitation from us to permeate everything and every part of us.
Grace is when you should be totally punished but are blessed for no reason.
Be careful not to turn others' lives into the mold for your own...we have a # God who is a # Creator not a # Duplicator .
Jesus asks for everything, but we try to give Him less.
My existence was not random, nor was it an accident. God knew who He was creating, and He designed met for a specific work. [Ephesians 2:10]
If God cared only about religious activities, then the Pharisees would have been heroes of the faith.
A relationship with God simply cannot grow when money, sins, activities, favorite sports teams, addictions, or commitments are piled up on top of it.
The point of your life is to point to Him. Whatever you are doing, God wants to be glorified, because this whole thing is His.
Can you worship a God who isn't obligated to explain His actions to you? Could it be your arrogance that makes you think God owes you an explanation?
I don't want my life to be explainable without the Holy Spirit.
Christians are like manure: spread them out and they help everything grow better, but keep them in one big pile and they stink horribly.
We need to stop giving people excuses not to believe in God.
We have a God who is a Creator, not a duplicator.
God is love, but He also defines what love is. We don't have the license to define love according to our standards.
I have one reason why you should walk away from that temptation right now. One reason: God. Is. Better.
Lukewarm living and claiming Christ's name simultaneously is utterly disgusting to God.
"Do you know that nothing you do in this life will ever matter, unless it is about loving God and loving the people he has made?
Frankly, you need to get over yourself. It might sound harsh, but that's seriously what it means [1 Corinthians 10:31].
Are you willing to say to God that He can have whatever He wants? Do you believe that whole hearted commitment to Him is more important than any other thing or person in your life? Do you know that nothing you do in this life will ever matter; unless it is about loving God and loving the people He has made?
When we become overly concerned about our appearance, our spiritual reputation, our coolness, and our acceptance, we are living as citizens of this world rather than as ambassadors.
In the midst of our failed attempts at loving Jesus, His grace covers us.
Why would we need to experience the Comforter if our lives are already comfortable?
The way we live out our days is the way we will live our lives.
The irony is that while God doesn't need us but still wants us, we desperately need God but don't really want Him most of the time. He treasures us and anticipates our departure from this earth to be with Him-and we wonder, indifferently, how much we have to do for Him to get by.
James 2:19- 'You believe there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that- and shudder.' God doesn't just want us to have good theology; He wants us to know and love Him.
...when we love God, we naturally run to Him-frequently and zealously. Jesus didn't command that we have a regular time with Him each day. Rather, He tells us to 'love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' He called this the 'first and greatest commandment' (Matt. 22:37-38). The results are intimate prayer and study of His Word. Our motivation changes from guilt to love.
Just as you did not come to Christ on your own, neither will you remain in Christ on your own.
Following Christ isn't something that can be done halfheartedly or on the side. It is not a label we can display when it is useful. It must be central to everything we do and are.