Chris murray quotes
Explore a curated collection of Chris murray's most famous quotes. Dive into timeless reflections that offer deep insights into life, love, and the human experience through his profound words.
Spend your time designing the greatest reputation a man could possess.
The only time you have is the where and when of right now. There will always be good times, bad times, hard times, and complete disasters. However, there is no other option but to be where you are, when you are. That is a universal truth for everyone. The important thing is how you respond, what you decide to do, and when you decide to do it.
Ready? No one is ever ready, my boy. But some do what they plan to do and some never will. The difference between the two is that the first group understand that they need to start somewhere, so they do so. Straight away
Nobody ever kicked a dog wagging its tail
It's not how I view being a salesman. It's how I live being a salesman.
Fascinatingly resilient the tenacity of a child. Not yet conditioned by society to give up when instructed to do so.
It has nothing to do with the time being right or wrong. Storms just happen.
The future is a fabulous place to bury your success.
There can be no success in sales without tenacity.
Plans are easy to make, dreams are easy to dream. But putting your back into it? A little bit of hard graft and discipline? That is just too scary and far too much effort for the masses
Everything you desire is always just outside your comfort zone, dear boy. If it wasn't you would already possess it, would you not?
You can’t plough a field by turning it over in your mind. Either you get out there and plough it or it doesn’t get done.
I should become happier at what I do and leave others happier than before they’d met me.
This next nugget of salesmanship cannot be perfected in a single afternoon. However, once you have it mastered, your competition will continuously believe you possess some mystical customer attracting formula
Seeking those elusive individuals is like mining for rare gems. It will take hard work, patience, and a persistent attitude. To find that rich seam of colourful stones, you will have to chip through dirt and rock. You will have to learn how to hold rubble in your hands and see the fortune inside.
What you deserve will be down to you, and you alone.
The U.S. Army has recently removed the cross from the insignia worn by chaplains. In its place is a sun with its rays, symbolizing the divine in all things.
You – help - people. You are an expert in your field, who genuinely helps other human beings. Take pride in that, stop hawking your wares, and get a bit of respect for your profession, and earn some from your prospects.
Why do so many salespeople talk to customers about the product and not the result?
Until you take the first step forward, failure remains reassuringly impossible.
And so it must be with the energy you muster for your own work. Get out there and convert the unconverted. Save them all from the charlatans and the nearly-men.
Mark my words. Perception is reality and how someone perceives you is their reality.
Listen to people from your heart, as if your life depended on it, and you will find that in turn people will listen to you with all of theirs.
Like an ant, I will find my way round any obstacle. Like a child, I will persevere with pinpoint focus.
If you wish to sell to anyone you must earn the right to do so.
Understand why you are different and how you help, recognise your target market, and give them something they might not even realise they are missing.
You truly help people with the things that you sell. Once you are aware of that vital piece of information every demonstration, every presentation, every transaction will be delivered with a light shining from your heart. From your heart will shine a beacon that tells all prospects you can truly help and that that is your sole purpose for being there.
Each step of your current journey will take you to new and interesting worlds of opportunity and as every intrepid explorer knows, when one visits strange new lands one must be aware of their customs.
In this world of half-jobs and liars, I will prevail.
Perception number one, how you want people to think about you when you arrive and perception number two, how you want them to talk about you once you have left.
In short, the difference between you and your doctor is that he has a well-designed reputation and you do not.
Trust me. If you do not decide where you are heading, and refuse to take the appropriate action, you will end up being shaped into what others would have you become. Then any change will not be made for your benefit but for theirs.
A gentleman of ambition is aware of the people he wishes to be associated with both socially and commercially. He knows that moving through different levels of society is akin to stepping through different rooms in an enormous house, each door leading to a grander environment than the last. He may, of course, settle for the comfort of any room he reaches. Alternatively, he may continue through successive doors to surround himself with even greater fineries and riches.
But without a need, even the finest piece of beef is merely a piece of dead bull is it not?
Young man, your problem and the reason so many like you fail, is simply because you allow yourself to give up far too early.
Let your customers and prospects recommend you to each other and let you competition wish they were you. That is our mission.
The choices you make from this day forward will lead you, step by step, to the future you deserve.
The fact that you wish to become extremely successful must mean that you currently do not see yourself as such. Therefore, you need to change. The question you should be asking is what do you need to become?
I will ask questions that are so wide and open they will feel the need to speak for a week. Then from the information that they give to me, I will mould solutions designed specifically for them.
Listening is a discipline. It's all about being present at that moment in time.
Dreaming and becoming are completely separate parts of the process. However, they are both as important as each other. Never discount how powerful your dreams are. If you cannot visualise what it is you wish to become, then the brain doesn't have the first clue how to get you there.
You look green, immature. A young boy playing at business, dressing up in the manner in which he believes an actual grown-up would. Your viewpoint of business attire is one of wide-eyed wonder from the nursery door.
Currently, you are approaching each opportunity with a single possible outcome and when that doesn't happen you fool yourself that there was nothing more that you could have done.
If you honestly know how you help people, then you should become passionate about sharing it, spread the good news, give everyone a chance to share in the solutions that you can provide.
No one can mock your meagre achievements or inability to accomplish the simplest of tasks, if they remain figments of your imagination. You can revel, again and again, in the glory of a fairy tale doomed never to appear in reality.
You see continuous movement is the important thing here. Those who remain in one position and then lie to themselves about their progress are the ones in real trouble.
Remember this. We are always looking for problems to solve, and to solve problems we need to be ready for clues. And you will never be in the receiving frame of mind if you – never – shut - up!
Don't allow your imagination to colour events as lesser men would, and see movement in motionless things.
You may have an overall target to achieve with each prospect, but if you are going to have an ideal outcome for each call, should you not also have a tolerable outcome to fall back on? Something you are willing to put up with if things don't go completely to plan, but something that still moves things forward ever so slightly?
Destiny and fate are of one’s own making, and riches and happiness are rarely found at the end of an easily-traversed path.
Make sure everyone who works with you or for you, feels the need to tell others about the incredible experience.
Success would be a fairly boring and uninspiring dish if anybody could create it with a single ingredient, however difficult that ingredient was to find. No, success has several layers to its pallet. This is just the beginning
Men constantly miscalculate what they can do in a day, and grossly underestimate what can be achieved in a year.
That which is currently beyond your capabilities now, does not have to be so forever
You can only see your current horizon. Every time you move nearer to your desired destination, new horizons will become clear. New, previously hidden, opportunities will come into view.
People submit too easily to change from others. And yet, for some reason, whenever they consider changing themselves, the focus is always on what they are giving up, never what they are about to gain.