Aristotle quotes
Explore a curated collection of Aristotle's most famous quotes. Dive into timeless reflections that offer deep insights into life, love, and the human experience through his profound words.
The intelligence consists not only in the knowledge but also in the skill to apply the knowledge into practice.
True happiness comes from gaining insight and growing into your best possible self. Otherwise all you're having is immediate gratification pleasure, which is fleeting and doesn't grow you as a person.
You are what you repeatedly do
Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them.
Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.
The high-minded man does not bear grudges, for it is not the mark of a great soul to remember injuries, but to forget them.
He who cannot be a good follower cannot be a good leader.
A goal gets us motivated,while a good habit keeps us stay motivated.
Man is a goal-seeking animal. His life only has meaning if he is reaching out and striving for his goals.
Men become richer not only by increasing their existing wealth but also by decreasing their expenditure.
The best things are placed between extremes.
Nature creates nothing without a purpose.
Speech is the representation of the mind, and writing is the representation of speech.
The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
Where perception is, there also are pain and pleasure, and where these are, there, of necessity, is desire.
The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.
95% of everything you do is the result of habit.
Our characters are the result of our conduct.
The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival.
The more you know, the more you know you don't know.
He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
It is our choice of good or evil that determines our character, not our opinion about good or evil.
Think as the wise men think, but talk like the simple people do.
Courage is the mother of all virtues because without it, you cannot consistently perform the others.
The only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law.
The best way to avoid envy is to deserve the success you get.
You can never learn anything that you did not already know
The greatest of all pleasures is the pleasure of learning.
It is a part of probability that many improbable things will happen.
Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.
I say that habit's but a long practice, friend, and this becomes men's nature in the end.
Life cannot be lived, and understood, simultaneously.
The high-minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think.
The most perfect political community is one in which the middle class is in control, and outnumbers both of the other classes.
If you see a man approaching with the obvious intent of doing you good, run for your life. Consider pleasures as they depart, not as they come.
The man who is content to live alone is either a beast or a god.
Happiness belongs to the self sufficient.
Money originated with royalty and slavery, it has nothing to do with democracy or the struggle of the empoverished enslaved majority.
The society that loses its grip on the past is in danger, for it produces men who know nothing but the present, and who are not aware that life had been, and could be, different from what it is.
There is nothing unequal as the equal treatment of unequals.
The hardest victory is the victory over self.
One may go wrong in many different ways, but right only in one, which is why it is easy to fail and difficult to succeed.
We deliberate not about ends, but about means.
A tragedy is that moment where the hero comes face to face with his true identity.
Wicked men obey out of fear. good men, out of love
Happiness is a state of activity.
Character is made by many acts; it may be lost by a single one.
When there is no middle class, and the poor greatly exceed in number, troubles arise, and the state soon comes to an end.
For that which has become habitual, becomes as it were natural.
Your happiness depends on you alone.
Before you heal the body you must first heal the mind
First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end.
What you have to learn to do, you learn by doing.
The energy of the mind is the essence of life.
Tyrants preserve themselves by sowing fear and mistrust among the citizens by means of spies, by distracting them with foreign wars, by eliminating men of spirit who might lead a revolution, by humbling the people, and making them incapable of decisive action.
Through discipline comes freedom.
A fool contributes nothing worth hearing and takes offense at everything.
If something's bound to happen, it will happen.. Right time, right person, and for the best reason.
All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind.
All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion, desire.
We become just by the practice of just actions, self-controlled by exercising self-control, and courageous by performing acts of courage.
Character is revealed through action.
The greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor; it is the one thing that cannot be learned from others; and it is also a sign of genius, since a good metaphor implies an intuitive perception of the similarity of the dissimilar.
Greatness of spirit is accompanied by simplicity and sincerity.
The fool tells me his reason; the wise man persuades me with my own.
The high-minded man is fond of conferring benefits, but it shames him to receive them.
Whatever we learn to do, we learn by actually doing it; men come to be builders, for instance, by building, and harp players by playing the harp. In the same way, by doing just acts we come to be just; by doing self-controlled acts, we come to be self-controlled ; and by doing brave acts, we become brave.
Find the good. Seek the Unity. Ignore the divisions among us.
It is not sufficient to know what one ought to say, but one must also know how to say it.
A change in the shape of the body creates a change in the state of the soul.
Excellence is an art won by training and habituation.
Humility is a flower which does not grow in everyone's garden.
The most important relationship we can all have is the one you have with yourself, the most important journey you can take is one of self-discovery. To know yourself, you must spend time with yourself, you must not be afraid to be alone. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
The worst thing about slavery is that the slaves eventually get to like it.
The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain.
At the intersection where your gifts, talents, and abilities meet a human need; therein you will discover your purpose
The weak are always anxious for justice and equality. The strong pay no heed to either.
Love well, be loved and do something of value.
It is not enough to win a war; it is more important to organize the peace.
What we expect, that we find.
Everybody loves a thing more if it has cost him trouble: for instance those who have made money love money more than those who have inherited it.
The character which results from wealth is that of a prosperous fool.
To love someone is to identify with them.
The proof that you know something is that you are able to teach it
Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.
Character is determined by choice, not opinion.
You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.
Happiness is a quality of the soul...not a function of one's material circumstances.
To appreciate the beauty of a snow flake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.
Well begun is half done.
The business of every art is to bring something into existence, and the practice of an art involves the study of how to bring into existence something which is capable of having such an existence and has its efficient cause in the maker and not in itself.
We are what we repeatedly do... excellence, therefore, isn't just an act, but a habit and life isn't just a series of events, but an ongoing process of self-definition.
The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold.
Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.
Doubt is the beginning of wisdom
A friend of everyone is a friend of no one
Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope.
The unfortunate need people who will be kind to them; the prosperous need people to be kind to.
Courage is the first virtue that makes all other virtues possible.
The precepts of the law may be comprehended under these three points: to live honestly, to hurt no man willfully, and to render every man his due carefully.
I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self.
We can't learn without pain.
Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny.
Emotions of any kind can be evoked by melody and rhythm; therefore music has the power to form character.
Fortune favours the bold.
No one praises happiness as one praises justice, but we call it a 'blessing,' deeming it something higher and more divine than things we praise.
A city is composed of different kinds of men; similar people cannot bring a city into existence.
The least deviation from truth will be multiplied later.
The antidote for fifty enemies is one friend.
Only an armed people can be truly free. Only an unarmed people can ever be enslaved.
Our problem is not that we aim too high and miss, but that we aim too low and hit.
Saying the words that come from knowledge is no sign of having it.
Democracy arose from men's thinking that if they are equal in any respect they are equal absolutely.
Authority is no source for Truth.
Excellence is not an art. It is the habit of practice.
Laughter is a bodily exercise, precious to Health
Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.
The good of man is the active exercise of his soul's faculties. This exercise must occupy a complete lifetime. One swallow does make a spring, nor does one fine day. Excellence is a habit, not an event.
Be a free thinker and don't accept everything you hear as truth. Be critical and evaluate what you believe in.
Today, see if you can stretch your heart and expand your love so that it touches not only those to whom you can give it easily, but also to those who need it so much.
Life is only meaningful when we are striving for a goal .
Worthless persons appointed to have supreme control of weighty affairs do a lot of damage.
What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good.
No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.