Arianna huffington quotes
Explore a curated collection of Arianna huffington's most famous quotes. Dive into timeless reflections that offer deep insights into life, love, and the human experience through his profound words.
The journey toward self-discovery is life's greatest adventure.
The harder you try to suppress the truth, the more inevitable it is that it will find a way to come out.
I wish I'd known sooner that success isn't defined by who goes the longest without vacation.
Everything you do, you'll do better with a good night's sleep.
I've talked about how the future of journalism will be a hybrid future where traditional media players embrace the ways of new media (including transparency, interactivity, and immediacy) and new media companies adopt the best practices of old media (including fairness, accuracy, and high-impact investigative journalism).
It's time for our business and political leaders to help redefine morality beyond sex, drugs, and rock and roll to include lying, hypocrisy, and callous indifference to those in need.
The crisis in America that we barely notice anymore is that we've become two nations - divided by poverty, opportunity, and race. It's like a neighbor's car alarm that we don't hear anymore because it rings so often.
I come from a Greek household. My mother wouldn't let the FedEx man come in without eating.
The fastest way to break the cycle of perfectionism and become a fearless mother is to give up the idea of doing it perfectly - indeed to embrace uncertainty and imperfection.
By any sane definition of success, if you wake up in a pool of blood and nobody has shot you, you are not successful.
I think especially as women we nned to recognize that feeling pressure is completely selfimposed.
Today we often use deadlines—real and imaginary—to imprison ourselves.
Our current obsession with creativity is the result of our continued striving for immortality in an era when most people no longer believe in an afterlife.
The current male-dominated model of success - which equates success with burnout, sleep deprivation, and driving yourself into the ground - isn't working for women, and it's not working for men, either.
Ninety nine percent of the time it's not urgent and to create a culture where you are constantly plugged in and expected to be always-on is to create a culture of burnout.
Failure is a stepping stone to success.
Increasingly, staying in the middle class - let alone aspiring to become middle class - is becoming a game of chance.
We have created a democracy that links us all, and with it come not only opportunities but obligations. There are no gates or walls high enough. There are no bank accounts large enough to buy you and your family and your friends protection from the fear and hunger of those left behind or to isolate you from the consequences of growing social inequities. We are all in this boat together. And the fact that there isn't a hole at your end of the boat doesn't mean you are safe.
Since fear is such a primal reaction, making the choice to move forward despite fear is an evolved decision that transcends our animal nature.
Success is not a straight line, it's much more of a dance and being open to possibilities.
We're more than just our job titles or our list of professional accomplishments.
Money and power by themselves are a two-legged stool. You can balance on them for a while, but eventually you're going to topple over.
We think, mistakenly, that success is the result of the amount of time we put in at work, instead of the quality of time we put in.
To speak about this universal force that will lead us beyond on the last horizon of our known self toward a wiser, more loving, more luminous states of being, we do not need to invent a new language. But we do need to listen to the old, the ancient one, not with our jaded minds, but with our awakened souls.
If you take care of your mind, you take care of the world.’
Don't wait until you're not afraid of something to do it. Do it despite the fear and you'll start to develop a 'fearlessness muscle'.
For a hot-shot CEO taking over a troubled company, mass firings are the ultimate quick fix, the accounting equivalent of crack: cheap, easy to score, instantly gratifying, and highly addictive.
There is a purpose to our lives, even if it is sometimes hidden from us, and even if the biggest turning points and heartbreaks only make sense as we look back, rather than as we are experiencing them. So we might as well live life as if - as the poet Rumi put it - everything is rigged in our favor.
It matters, it matters very much, what each of us chooses to do. The journey toward self-discovery and self-knowledge is not only life's highest adventure, but also the only way to transform society from one based on self-centeredness and compulsory compassion to one based on service and mutual responsibility.
Learning to code is useful no matter what your career ambitions are.
At the moment, our society’s notion of success is largely composed of two parts: money and power. But it’s time for a third metric, beyond money and power - one founded on well-being, wisdom, our ability to wonder, and to give back.
The advice I would give to my younger self is very, very simple: Stop burning the candle at both ends and renew your estranged relationship with sleep. You will be more productive, more effective, more creative, and more likely to enjoy your life.
Fearlessness is like a muscle. I know from my own life that the more I exercise it the more natural it becomes to not let my fears run me.
In The 3rd Alternative, Stephen Covey urges us to chart a course beyond the suboptimal solutions to all our crises - beyond left and right, and beyond the many false choices in front of us. The 3rdAlternative is a wise and welcome echo of Einstein's warning that the problems we're facing today cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.
I don't like the idea of [having] a thick skin. I think we [should] be more childlike.
Nothing is ever enough when what you are looking for isn't what you really want.
Failure is not the opposite to success, it's a stepping stone to success. If our primary goal is to be approved of, then we are not going to take risks, we are not going to speak out, we are going to try to blend in.
What preoccupies us is the way we define success. If you see your life purely in terms of money and power, then everything in your life becomes about 'Am I getting ahead?' and that is truly a barbaric way to live, because it eliminates huge chunks of our humanity.
It would be futile to attempt to fit women into a masculine pattern of attitudes, skills and abilities . . .
It’s not ‘What do I want to do?’, it’s ‘What kind of life do I want to have?’
We all have this place in us, a place of strength, harmony and wisdom, but most of the time we don't live there How can we course-correct faster? How can we encourage each other to live in that place more?
To live exuberantly, we must be prepared to illuminate the dark spots in ourselves.
Moving forward, investigative journalists need to train themselves to be media amphibians - just as comfortable with the classic verities of great journalism as they are with video, Twitter, Facebook, and, most importantly, citizen journalism.
Whether we regard the Women's Liberation movement as a serious threat, a passing convulsion, or a fashionable idiocy, it is a movement that mounts an attack on practically everything that women value today and introduces the language and sentiments of political confrontation into the area of personal relationships.
You can complete a project by dropping it.
Never make decisions from a place of lack.
The average smartphone user checks his or her device every six and a half minutes.
Don’t just climb the ladder of success - a ladder that leads, after all, to higher and higher levels of stress and burnout - but chart a new path to success, remaking it in a way that includes not just the conventional metrics of money and power, but a third metric that includes well-being, wisdom, wonder and giving, so that the goal is not just to succeed but to thrive.
The happiest people are the most giving people
I think while all mothers deal with feelings of guilt, working mothers are plagued by guilt on steroids!
You can do not just twice as much but 200 times as much when you have a good partner.
It is the Fourth Instinct (the spirit - RJ) that urges us to exceed ourselves ... by awakening our intuitive selves, and striving to be all that we were intended to be. It takes us beyond self-centeredness and enables us to resist the combined forces of indifference and meaninglessness. It awakens us to a sense of responsibility for those most in need of our society as well as for that world that future generations will inherit.
Through the stories of women I admire, and, above all, through my own experience with my daughters, again and again I encounter moments of extraordinary strength, courage, and resilience, when fears are confronted, even overcome, and anything seems possible.
For far too many people in the world, the vicious cycle of financial deprivation also feeds into the vicious cycle of sleep deprivation. If you're working two or three jobs and struggling to make ends meet, "get more sleep" is probably not going to be near the top of your priorities list.
In life, the things that go wrong are often the very things that lead to other things going right.
All around the country, individuals are choosing to redefine their lives and the pursuit of happiness in ways much closer to the original notion put forth by our Founding Fathers. Their notion of the "pursuit of happiness" wasn't just about acquiring money and power, but about doing your part to add to the civic happiness of the community.
Don't just climb the ladder, chart a new path.
we'll have to reclaim the ward 'taxes.' Why has it become a synonym for 'evil'? I understand that no one likes to pay good money for nothing. But fire and police protection aren't nothing. ... Roads, bridges, airports, and mass transit systems aren't nothing. National parks, clean air, and clear water aren't nothing. A safe food supply, functioning schools with well-trained teachers, and well-equipped hospitals aren't vaporous apparitions either.
Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.
We need to accept that we won't always make the right decisions, that we'll screw up royally sometimes - understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it's part of success.
When life is at that extremely hard time, all we can control is our attitude.
It would be futile to attempt to fit women into a masculine pattern of attitudes, skills and abilities and disastrous to force them to suppress their specifically female characteristics and abilities by keeping up the pretense that there are no differences between the sexes.
Failure is not the opposite of success; it's part of success.
Those who have matured spiritually, now put service to others at the center of their quest and of their lives.
Arianna, your performance will actually improve if you can commit to not only working hard, but also unplugging, recharging and renewing yourself.
I've always said that I think one of the best and cheapest ways to become healthier and happier is through mindfulness exercises like meditation.
Meditation, yoga, and walks are all ways to regulate our stress and reconnect.
Not only is it harder to be a man, it is also harder to become one.
Having a partner definitely allows you to take more risks.
Happiness is dealing with setbacks with more grace, understanding and acceptance
Clearly drive, IQ, and hard work are incredibly important. But ultimately what matters most is resilience--the ability to quickly rebound from failures, indeed to see failure as a stepping stone to success.
You need to be able to nurture yourself in order to be a good mother, good at your job, good at servicing your community. I really believe women can do it all, but they can't do it all at the expense of their health, their sleep, and their sense of well-being.
You can't manage creativity. You need to manage for creativity. You need to create the space for it to emerge.
What's the third metric beyond money and power? I think it's a combination of wellbeing and wisdom. Because the problem also with defining success just in terms of money and power means that people feel that they have to work around the clock, burn out, and the result is people making terrible decisions.
Making money and doing good in the world are not mutually exclusive.
We don’t have to wait until we move or change jobs to change our lives. Nor do we have to wait for large-scale, upstream change. We can initiate change right now. There are endless starting points.
Market forces have no intrinsically moral direction, which is why, before he wrote The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith wrote The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Ethics should precede economics. But it doesn't have to. . . . We know this because we've seen the results of capitalism without conscience: the pollution of the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat; the endangerment of workers; and the sale of dangerous products - from cars to toys to drugs. All in pursuit of ever-greater profits.
The more fearless we are in our personal lives, the more of that spirit we'll bring to changing our world.
When we really connect to that place of wisdom and strength and understanding, everything becomes easier.
About five years ago, I fainted from exhaustion. I hit my head on my desk. I broke my cheekbone and got four stitches on my right eye. It started me on this journey of rediscovering sleep and balance and integrating my life. I think everyone should stop and reassess their lives before you hit your head on your desk.
Any time we have projects that we haven't begun or completed, they drain energy.
What won't work - what can't work - is to act like the last years never happened, and that the survival of the [mass media] industry will be found by hiding content behind walled gardens. Instead of sticking their finger in the dike, trying to hold back the flow of innovation, companies need to ride the rapids of progress and seize the opportunities it provides.
I failed, many times in my life. One failure that I always remember was when my second book was rejected by 36 publishers. Many years later, I watched HuffPost come alive
We take better care of our smartphone than ourselves. We know when the battery is depleted and recharge it
Naysayers have little power over us - unless we give it to them.
I studied, I met with medical doctors, scientists, and I’m here to tell you that the way to a more productive, more inspired, more joyful life is: getting enough sleep.
We all have within us the ability to move from struggle to grace.
I'm much more creative when I've actually taken care of myself.
Being fearless doesn't mean living a life devoid of fear, but living a life in which our fears don't hold us back
Our most meaningful relationships are based on a longing for expansion rather than a preoccupation with comfort and security. To live exuberantly-to fully know and be fully known by another-we must be prepared to illuminate the dark spots in our most intimate relationships and in our selves.
Eulogies never talk about what was on your resume. Be remembered for how you made people feel and your passions
having too much is never enough.
Don't buy society’s definition of success. Because it’s not working for anyone. It’s not working for women, it's not working for men, it's not working for polar bears, it's not working for the cicadas that are apparently about to emerge and swarm us. It’s only truly working for those who make pharmaceuticals for stress, sleeplessness and high blood pressure.
If we don't know ourselves, our essence, where our true power comes from, we will believe our power comes from collecting victories, trophies, money, or recognition. And these are all fine, but it's not ultimately what life is about. When we think it is, we really waste our greatest possibilities.
Mainstream media tend to just mouth the conventional wisdom, to see everything through the filter of right and left.
Lasting social change unfolds from inside out: from the inner to the outer being, from inner to outer realities.
The more we refuse to buy into our inner critics - and our external ones too - the easier it will get to have confidence in our choices, and to feel comfortable with who we are.
Creating the culture of burnout is opposite to creating a culture of sustainable creativity. This is something that needs to be taught in business schools. This mentality needs to be introduced as a leadership and performance-enhancing tool.
People discover that by helping others, even when they themselves are suffering, they end up improving their own lives.
The first step toward changing the world is to change our vision of the world and of our place in it.
Why worry about minor little details like clean air, clean water, safe ports and the safety net when Jesus is going to give the world an "Extreme Makeover: Planet Edition" right after he finishes putting Satan in his place once and for all?
Don't miss the moment. It's all we have
There is nothing that can bring you closer to fearlessness about everything else in the world than being a parent - because everyday fears like not being approved of pale by comparison to the fears you have about your children.
Moving ourselves to the background and others to the foreground is evidence that the (spiritual) search is achieving its purpose.
There may be no single thing that can teach us more about life than death.
We are not on this earth to accumulate victories, things, and experiences, but to be whittled and sandpapered until what's left is who we truly are.
Living in a state of gratitude is the gateway to grace.
There are almost no worldly signals reminding us to stay connected to the essence of who we are, to take care of ourselves along the way, to reach out to others, to pause to wonder, and to connect to that place from which everything is possible.
The essence of leadership is being able to see the iceberg before it hits the Titanic.
America is a country ready to be taken - in fact, longing to be taken - by political leaders ready to restore democracy and trust to the political process.
Fearlessness is not the absence of fear. It's the mastery of fear. It's about getting up one more time than we fall down.
Women still have an uneasy relationship with power and the traits necessary to be a leader. There is this internalized fear that if we are really powerful, we are going to be considered ruthless or pushy or strident - all of those epithets that strike right at our femininity. We are still working at trying to overcome the fear that power and womanliness are mutually exclusive.
My mother was a continual source of wisdom and great advice...she taught me that there is always a way around a problem-you've just got to find it. Keep trying doors; one will eventually open. She also taught me to accept failure as part and parcel of life. It's not the opposite of success; it's an integral part of success. I talk a lot about learning to become fearless in your approach to life. But fearlessness is not the absence of fear. It's the mastery of fear. It's all about getting up one more time than you fall down.
Fearlessness is the mother of reinvention.
Life is a dance between making it happen and letting it happen.
Given the multiple crises we are living through, investigative journalism is all the more important.
But you have to do what you dream of doing even while you're afraid.
Meditation is not about stopping thoughts, but recognizing that we are more than our thoughts and our feelings.
The first and most important step is to realize that, as my mother used to say, fearlessness isn't the absence of fear, but the mastery of fear. It's not that you never have fear, but that you don't let your fears stop you.
America being behind France in upward mobility is a little bit like France being behind America in Croissants and Afternoon Sex.
corporate America corrupted the watchdogs that were supposed to be guarding the public interest by feeding them under the table.
The only tool we have to fix the problems of this country - the democratic process - is itself broken. Which is why nothing will fundamentally change until we solve the problem of money in politics.
Be a go-giver, not a go-getter
Discover the great ideas that lie inside you by discovering the power of sleep.
I think people are attracted to The Huffington Post's blend of up-to-the-second news and thoughtful opinion, delivered with an attitude. Plus, I think they enjoy that we cover so many different things - from politics and entertainment to style and satire. There is always something interesting to read and think about - and even to laugh at.