Anne heche quotes
Explore a curated collection of Anne heche's most famous quotes. Dive into timeless reflections that offer deep insights into life, love, and the human experience through his profound words.
I have given money to the Obama campaign online and now they bombard me with emails every day. Why did I do that online? Why didn't I just walk into an office?
Are we changing the idea of what beauty is? Let's hope so. I'm not the typical Hollywood beauty. Let's hope we're looking at the insides of people a little more.
When you are coming out, you say it's for you. But when everybody says it's not OK, it becomes about that rather than about you. It disappointed me.
He never admitted anything, even on his deathbed. He was a deluded liar. If it weren't for my father, I don't think I would be so open. So that's a huge blessing.
I think self-exploration is one of the journeys in life that we are blessed to be able to have.
It's always a challenge to make an independent film. It's always a challenge to make a low budget film.
Most of my escapades were getting my Labrador dog into the back of my car to drive to Brooklyn where I worked at Avenue M Studios shooting a soap opera and battling being a 17 to 18-year-old playing twins being afraid that I was going to get fired, because who wouldn't fire me? I had no idea what I was doing.
That's probably the most boring conversation you could hear - an actor talk about politics. I won't go there.
I have been very clear to everybody that just because I'm getting married does not mean I call myself a straight.
When I was with Ellen, I was telling people, If you come out, it's gonna be better for you. But I honestly don't know that.
I love comedy, because I like making fun of things even though they are dramatic.
We're in a world where every single movie, if it has a woman in it, is usually wrapped around the woman wanting to be liked in some way, either in her life, or she's young, she's an ingenue, she's a hero, she's the lover of somebody, she's the grandmother, she's a chef.
I'm not crazy, but it's a crazy life. I was raised in a crazy family and it took 31 years to get the crazy out of me.
I believe I went through a divorce. My relationship with Ellen is no less significant as a marriage than my relationship to Coley.
To have gone through so much work to heal myself and have my mother not acknowledge in any way that she was sorry for what had happened to me, broke my heart.
I don't belong to the straights now - they didn't get me back.
I do not believe that I fell in love with a woman because I was abused.
And for anyone who ever thought that Ellen and I broke it off because of sexuality, you couldn't be more mistaken. And for anyone who thought my mother's prayers had anything to do with me marrying a man, forget it.
Independent film is taking risks in all areas. It's not just about complicated women.
We do not fall in love with the package of the person, we fall in love with the inside of a person.
Are people angry with me? Sure, anything you do in your life, people are going to be angry at you.
I was a bit of a big mouth my whole life. I'm a person who expresses themselves with a lot of openness
I searched so hard for a part that was so complex
What's so beautiful about breasts is their uniqueness. I don't understand the obsession with fakeness. It's a very odd thing, isn't it, to prefer fake and big to small and unique or just beautiful and real.
Vibrators. I think they are great. They keep you out of stupid sex. I'd pitch them to anybody.
I'm very grateful for the platform that I've had in my life to speak out about the things I care about.
I put myself on the line with my truth and my sexuality. That is my choice. My choice
Before, I just spewed whatever it was I thought about everything. I tend to be more contemplative now
The decisions that Ellen made on her show were between her and her producers. I supported her decisions. I was there to hug her when she got home.
I'm one of those people who was taught not to ruffle any feathers. Of course, I have no problem ruffling feathers.
It's no secret that my family was very, very poor, and I don't want that for my life or my children's life certainly. But some might say I could relax a bit more and know that that's not going to happen to me. I'm not going to end up in a car.
I think it's always hard for children to talk about abuse because it is only memory. I didn't carry around a tape recorder … I didn't chisel anything in stone … Anybody can look and say, 'Well how do you know for sure?' And that's one of the most painful things about it. You don't.
It's important to talk about loving yourself and looking at your tragedies and the stuff that makes you grow.
Some people like to hear and not see, so we have the radio. There are so many different ways that we can get and participate in the arts.
He raped me … he fondled me, he put me on all fours, and had sex with me.
It gets really tricky giving advice. The older I get, the less advice I give.
I think it takes an introspective person to want to go into the theater and see the dark side of themselves.
It's my job, to create a fantasy.
For me to stay healthy in a relationship, the individuals have to nurture themselves
I've always kind of gone with my heart.
I was raised to pretend.
The broader your audience, the more people you have to appeal to.
Human behavior is so intriguing. I find myself giving thumbs up signs all the time. I know I look like an absolute dork, but I do it anyway.
I'm always honest, whether I'm in the limelight or not.
I do know something. Just not with any certainty.
I told my mother at about the seventh year of therapy that I had been abused sexually by my father and she hung up the phone on me.