Angie harmon quotes
Explore a curated collection of Angie harmon's most famous quotes. Dive into timeless reflections that offer deep insights into life, love, and the human experience through his profound words.
I'm super organized, but a horrible house cleaner.
I pray every day for my little girls. It's hard out there for the younger generation.
I understand some people may not have that kind of reverence for it, but I really thought that the revolving door of Law & Order would keep it going because you can just keep moving the people through.
It breaks my heart that I don't see my daughters every day, don't get to hug them and brush their hair.
I learned a long time ago that it doesn't make me less of a woman because my babies come out of a different place. My C-sections have been fine.
We’re all women. We all have the same wonderful situations happen to us, the same horrific situations. We all get our hearts broken.
I keep waiting, like in the cartoons, for an anvil to drop on my head.
I totally understand the promotional aspect of our show and the business end of it. We're putting something out there that we're really proud of. It's not like we're saying, "Hey, come watch our show," because it sucks.
I like things to be really, really funny, or really, really dramatic. Those books are certainly the ones that grab me. I like the exercise of reading through a paragraph, and it's just torture. I try not to have my eyes dart to the right. That's the stuff that I love.
When I feel like I'm not doing what I am supposed to as a mother, I will torture myself. I don't know how to deal with it. I find some consolation in the fact that all mommies feel it. If there was a way to cure mommy guilt, I would bottle it and be a bazillionaire.
Also, there's the caliber of actors that we keep getting. Lorraine Bracco plays my mom and Chazz Palminteri plays my father, and Brian Dennehy and Donnie Wahlberg have been on the show. And, we've got Billy Burke from Twilight. We've gotten all kinds of fantastic actors. That speaks for itself.
I don't have the time to curl up on my couch with a good book.
I'm just confused as to where we lost that in America because it is everyone's God-given right to think the way they think and that's fine. That's why our ancestors came here to America, to believe what they want, pray how they want and follow a religion with whoever they want.
After I quote unquote came out as a Republican, one of my dearest gay friends said to me, 'You've got to go on a T.V. show and tell everyone you like gay people.' I was like, 'Why?' He was like, 'Because you're a Republican.' I was like, 'I'm sorry who's stereotyping who?'
I don't want to be unapproachable.
I'm from the South, so I'm very old-fashioned and I'm not very computer savvy at all, but I'm getting it. I understand that, if you've got information and you want it out there, that is how you go about doing it. I get it.
You don't often get what you ask for, and I got exactly that. I got a show that was on cable, that I could shoot five months a year and go be mommy the rest of the time, and be with a cast and crew that I really, really love, adore and respect. I got all of that.
We have just had the most amazing time. Every now and then, we'll come across a review where the person didn't like it and we're like, "What? Really? How could you not like it?" All of us like it so much, and we have such a great time at work. We've just been really blessed, and we're all standing here going, "Wait a minute, how did this happen?" It's been awesome.
All mothers go through the exact same things.
As an actor all we want to do is act and play people.
It's definitely got a lot more grit to it. And, we don't pretend to be the smartest people there. We're not like, "This is how we did it, and now we're just going to show you how we go catch them. The audience gets to figure it out with us.
I don't care if you're Republican or a Democrat or a Liberal, getting crucified for the way you think or believe, obviously if it's not hurting anyone, it's just Un-American.
My dressing room was right on the water, and I would climb out of my window and walk around on the roof, whenever I needed time to think, or whenever I couldn't get a scene together. My father even came out there on the roof with me. We just walked around and talked up there, just to get away from everything, and nobody could get to us there. I really do love that place very much. It holds a very deep-rooted place in my heart.
If I have anything to say against Obama it's not because I'm a racist, it's because I don't like what he's doing as President and anybody should be able to feel that way, but what I find now is that if you say anything against him you're called a racist.
Bruce McGill and Sasha Alexander are regulars on the show. That shows that it's not just a typical procedural show. We have these actors because they can come in and actually act, and show the different colors of actual people. No person is just one color. No person is just who they are at their job, 24/7. That was really what I was excited about.
We're all pretty proud of it, and we're also standing around, scratching our heads and going, "Wow, this is really good." With the caliber of actors that we have, you really can't got wrong. Not only is it fun, but it's good. It's been really, really great, in that aspect. I totally get what they're doing.
Kyra Sedgwick told me, 'Keep your heart where your feet are' and that's incredibly difficult to do. It takes a lot of concentration. You've got to be conscientious of each other.
It's so important to be thankful and grateful for any and every opportunity that we have, especially in this business. I learned some wonderful things there. I learned that it doesn't matter how tired you are, you always hang up your wardrobe. That was a wonderful place for me. I would sit in my dressing room and stuff envelopes with my wedding invitations. That place has a real reverence for me.
When it's all said and done, I'm very, very glad to work in this business, but that's exactly what it is. It's a business, and I get to do the fun half of it. I get paid to pretend. I get to play really great characters. And, we have such a wonderful writer. She just knows people so intricately, and it's so fun to be able to act out her words.
And, Bruce and I are pretty close as well. We're both from Texas and we both understand each other. When I'm having trouble with a scene, I'll just go over to him and be like, "I have no idea what's happening here. What are we doing?" He's just been such a wonderful sounding board and, obviously, he's a tremendously talented actor.
I hadn't read any of the books before, but I have since we started. It's so funny because I'm reading a book of a person that I'm playing. Then, here's this person that she's in a relationship with and, what we're shooting now, we're not in a relationship. I'm getting a prequel and a history to these people in the book. It's very odd. It's very weird because it's like The Twilight Zone.
I want my girls to be strong and self-sufficient.
I've got three daughters and I'm going to stand up for them and support them in whatever they want to do.
My husband is the most brilliant father on the planet.
People are going to move in and out of their office, and they're going to move up or get fired. All kinds of things happen like that, in real life. And, we're always going to have crime, unfortunately. If we didn't, then I wouldn't have a new show.
That being said, in my top five favorite movies, two of them are Alien and Aliens. I love to laugh, and I love to make people laugh. I love comedy, but I also love the darker things in life. I guess I'm an extremist. I'm an adrenaline junkie. Just cruising along at a normal capacity really doesn't do anything for me.
Cancer affects everyone, and it's up to all of us to support the important research that can one day make a much sought-after cure a reality.
My biggest insecurity is that my personality is too much, and as I get older, it's just getting bigger.
I think the thing that made this stand out the most was just the fact that there's a lot more character to these characters. We see their back stories and we see their present situations, and that was a lot more interesting than just the regular procedural with four heads standing around a body, spelling it out for you. It's a lot more of a roller coaster ride.
A lot of people don't see me as a funny character because I don't usually get to play them. I'm usually cast in the more dramatic roles, so it's been a really, really fun time playing her humor and her attitude. She's a complete tomboy, so I did a really intense study on men and how they relate to each other, in the way they walk and hold themselves and position themselves in the hierarchy, just in something as simple as a conversation.
When we were trying to find the woman to play Maura Isles, it was a no-brainer when Sasha came in. We just knew it was her, and she did such a fantastic job. She got the job, right then and there, in the room, and it was great. We actually played a little joke on her. She's a great lady and we've had a really, really fantastic time.
I was not the most attractive child. I had two really big buck teeth. I was horrendous - long, lanky and gangly.
~My children are my life ... It's not like I don't have my own wants and and dreams anymore - it's just that the kids come first.~
I'm the kind of person who wants the people around me to be comfortable, to laugh, and to have a fabulous time - I want them to be as happy as I am.
When I get bored, I get into trouble.
I might not understand everything a Democrat or liberal thinks but hey let's be honest, I don't understand some of the things the Republicans think, but that doesn't make me some dumb hick that doesn't have the right to live here.
I think one of the greatest things about the Republican Party is the understanding, we don't point fingers and we have class.
I pray everywhere--in the shower, on a plane, in traffic, you name it. When I feel like I have had enough, I will literally take a knee, bow my head, and beg God for help and strength. I know not to beg Him for patience, because then He gives me situations in which I have to grow more patient; I learned that lesson! And if I am having a wonderful day, I will stop to thank Him. It's a relationship.
Here's kind of my motto - if you're not happy at home, you're not happy anywhere else.