Akiane kramarik quotes
Explore a curated collection of Akiane kramarik's most famous quotes. Dive into timeless reflections that offer deep insights into life, love, and the human experience through his profound words.
We hear inconceivable, but cannot see the intangible.
I always knew I was a dust. But I never knew I was also a universe.
Just as you commit to this life when it commits to leaving you.
The tree of life for me is a symbol of abundance and eternal life.
An illusion can never go faster than the speed limit of reality.
A fermented mind - according to nothing, we are something.
Miracle is a misunderstood reality.
Wisdom chooses the unknown to be its reason.
Those that expose themselves as knowing the truth, lose the battle of innocence and humility and eventually pull a trigger at the universe. Wisdom chooses the unknown to be its reason.
True passions do not deprive love.
We cannot teach a flower how to grow, we can only learn from it.
Infinity imagines curiosity from the wild abyss - Only the child makes a swing-set view of the worlds upside down. Unwatched truth is the enchantment of childhood.And we never grow out of it.
Everyone has a watched life. Everyone is both the observer and the observed.
I am self-taught. In other words, God is my teacher.
So much time is spent on belief. So little time is spent on love!
With so many scientific achievements we know so little of where we came from and where we are going. But we know even less of the most important discovery of all – Love. Only love can accept our differences as we journey through life. And only love can allow space for our growth.
We cannot complain to the possibility.
Life is precious. We should not take anything for granted. Living every moment as if it was our first and last is a genuine life of gratitude, acceptance and wisdom.
I have been blessed by God. And if I'm blessed, there is one reason and one reason only, and that is to help others.
When we cannot look around and explain anything we are the quantum world.
No supernatural can exist for the mankind that does not want to believe it.
Beauty and inspiration can be found in any natural place of the earth.
Indifference is a quarantined difference.
Before pride waves a white flag, it waves all other colors.
I define spirituality as a search for love, beauty, happiness and wisdom. Spirituality is a journey that we never finish.
How much does the universe weigh, when it fasts for infinity?
No matter what happens around us, or to us, through love, our soul reaches immortality, conquering all dimensions and all destinies.
In order to choose the right path, we do not have to figure out the wrong one... we just need to follow the light.
There's so much negativity in the media.
I believe everyone should have an opportunity to search for truth their own way. Humility, peace, child-like enthusiasm, acceptance, and sincerity is the true infinity engine!
Everybody needs time to reflect and contemplate, and the most inspirational and peaceful place to do so is in nature.
I don't belong to any denomination or religion, I just belong to God.
Joy is what we all seek. It is an energy more powerful than food. But without love we can not feel true joy.
During a race where everyone holds their own truth, the finish line is a surprise.
Secret to time is beyond our reason.
To have a future we have to live and leave the present.
Many imitate limits, not unlimited potentials.
I pray and wait for an answer in pictures, words or ideas.
I wish that people could love more.
A message from a flower: "Do not pick me. I want to live".
The art of life is loving and listening to one another.
I broke down all conclusions into illusions and confusions.
The pride never leads, never submits, and never leaves.
If we experienced life through the eyes of a child, everything would be magical and extraordinary. Let our curiosity, adventure and wonder of life never end.
Hallucination is a raw climb to a dead end.
The most important thing in this world is faith. Without faith you cannot communicate with God.
Portals of divinity are everywhere. I believe that children may enter these divine portals easier, because they are seeking for answers in the purest way.
When we feel sad, all we need to do is to count our blessings, no matter how few we notice, so we can feel grateful for what we have been given. Sadness soon disappears and, in return, we get inspired to bless others.
I really love sharing my gift with others. At the same time, I'm just a normal kid having fun and that's what life is all about-having fun at the same time as helping people.
Past is deaf. Future is mute. Present is blind.
I really like working by myself without any distractions, learning from my own mistakes.
I do not condemn any personal choices for intimate relationships. Love is love. I detest only the violence and trauma that any self-centered conduct can cause to others.
We chase gravity of the micro world, but after leaving its world we try to perfect the laws here that do not exist there.
Behind each door we shake is a reality.
We are all ONE, no matter in what form, space or time. As ONE we can change the world if we start changing ourselves.