Adrian rogers insights

Explore a captivating collection of Adrian rogers’s most profound quotes, reflecting his deep wisdom and unique perspective on life, science, and the universe. Each quote offers timeless inspiration and insight.

God is never in a hurry, but God is never late

The resurrection is not merely important to the historic Christian faith; without it, there would be no Christianity. It is the singular doctrine that elevates Christianity above all other world religions.

If you live for this world, you are in the junk business. It's all just premature junk.

Pray and doubt; you’ll do without. Pray and believe; you will receive.

Forgiveness is not an emotion; it's a choice.

What Jesus will do with you is determined on what you will do with him.

There are three categories of people in America: those who are afraid, those who don't know enough to be afraid, and those who know their Bibles.

There is no promise God cannot keep, no prayer God will not answer, and no problem too hard for Him to solve.

I would rather stand alone in the light of truth than in the crowd filled with error.

It's a fact of earthly life that when God opens the windows of heaven to bless us, the devil opens the doors of hell to blast us. When God begins moving, the devil fires up all his artillery.

It is more important to influence people than to impress them.

You are not saved by the plan of salvation. You are saved by the man of salvation.

If you find a reluctancy to go into the presence of God, there may be unconfessed, unrepented sin in your life. Part of your quiet time is to get your heart clean and pure. Each of us needs to take ourselves by the nap of our necks and confess and repent before we come into God's holy presence to fellowship.

The devil gives the best first and the worst last, but the Lord saves the best for last.

I know personally the transforming power of the Word of God-it's changed my life.

The weakest ink is better than the best memory. Study with pen in hand.

Adrian Rogers told us as often as he could he took the Bible literally. He illustrated by saying he believed the world was created in six 24-hour days. And he repeated this to make an impression upon us. In private (Jerry Vines was with us), I asked Rogers what he did with the slavery passages of the New Testament. Did he take them literally? He paused and said, 'Well, I believe slavery is a much-maligned institution. If we had slavery today, we would not have this welfare mess.'

God does not change us in order to love us. He loves us in order to change us.

The man molds the idol and then the idol molds the man.

The doors of opportunity swing on the hinges of opposition!

There was a time when you were not. There never will be a time when you will not be.

Study the history of revival. God has always sent revival in the darkest days. Oh, for a mighty, sweeping revival today!

Study the Bible to know about God. Obey the Bible to really know God.

Law without penalty is only advise.

We’re to love people and use things, not love things and use people.

It’s what you sow that multiplies, not what you keep in the barn.

Have you ever wondered what a church full of Pharisees would be like? 1. They would all attend every service 2. They would all tithe 3. They would all work in the church 4. They would all go to hell

Indeed, your scars may be your greatest ministry. Just as the scars of Jesus convinced Thomas, perhaps your scars will convince someone today.

If you take part of the truth, and try to make that part of the truth, all of the truth, then that part of the truth becomes an untruth.

Sin is not just breaking God's laws; it is breaking His heart.

Christianity is a love relationship between a child of God and his Maker through the Son Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Everybody needs a hero. Jesus is mine.

I wouldn’t trust the best fifteen minutes I ever lived to get me into heaven.

God prefers fruits of the spirit over religious nuts.

Two words that will change your life.... Yes Lord!

Holiness is not the way to Christ. Christ is the way to holiness.

You can save a lot of time waiting on God.

A scar is a wound that has healed. We need to bring our wounds to Jesus, let Him heal them, and use our scars for Jesus. Our scars may be our greatest ministry.

You can be too big for God to use, but you can never be too small for God to use.

A healthy person can accept criticism.

Failure in the past does not nullify purpose in the future.

What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

The Church is not a showboat; it's a battleship.

We ought to be living as if Jesus died yesterday, rose this morning, and is coming back this afternoon.

If I put things between me and Christ, it is idolatry. If I put Christ between me and things, it is victory!

A thorn in the flesh is nothing compared to a thorn in the conscience.

You can't really live until you are no longer afraid to die.

You can live with victory over the desires of your flesh. Habits, attitudes, desires, worries, and dissipation must yield as you exercise authority over your mind, emotions, and will.

Sometimes we smile at a child thats afraid of the dark. I think more ridiculous is a man or woman afraid of the light.

God does not flunk any of His children. He just re-enrolls them.

Hell was created for the devil and his angels. If you go, you are an intruder.

It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error. It is better to speak the truth that hurts and then heals, than falsehood that comforts and then kills. It is better to be hated for telling the truth than to be loved for telling a lie. It is better to stand alone with the truth, than to be wrong with a multitude. It is better to ultimately succeed with the truth than to temporarily succeed with a lie. There is only one Gospel.

When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation

You don't make Him Lord. He's Lord already. You just recognize it.

It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error. It is better to speak the truth that hurts and then heals, than falsehood that comforts and then kills.

Your character is the harvest of your habits.

Death is just a comma to a Christian, not a period.

Some people brighten up a room just by leaving it.

Never let the things money can buy, rob you of the things money can't buy.

What you are alone is what you are.

Leave the woodpile higher than you found it.

Has it ever occurred to you that nothing occurs to God?

This is the essence of Kingdom Authority. Fathers can have no authority in the home until they have surrendered to the headship of Jesus. Mothers cannot pray with authority for their children when they have no submissive spirit to their own husbands. Pastors cannot lead, teach, or preach with anointing and supernatural power without being fully broken and surrendered to the lordship of Christ, the authority of the Word, and the commands of the Spirit.

Never give the devil a ride! He will always want to drive!

God doesn't just love all of us. He loves each of us.

Christianity is not a cafeteria line where you say, “I’ll have a little salvation, but no Lordship right now.

My salvation does not hinge on my emotions. I have an official record. I have the Word of God: "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God: that ye may know that ye have eternal life."

But I believe the greatest enemy of the Bible is the so-called Christian who simply ignores the Bible or disregards it.

When you read the Bible, read for quality not quantity.

Our great need is to discover that Jesus is all we need.

Men throw broken things away, but God never uses anything until he first breaks it.

You can laugh your way into hell but not out.

You are free to choose. You are not free not to choose. No choice is a choice. You are free to choose but you are not free to choose the consequences of that choice.

The day of judgment will be a day when the skeletons come out of the closets! And each of us will be standing there to face the record.

Faith believes in spite of the circumstances and acts in spite of the consequences.

Knowledge come from looking around; wisdom comes from looking up.

Jesus did not bathe this planet with his blood to have you serve the world, the flesh, and the devil. He died to make you holy. You are not your own. First Corinthians 6:20 says 'For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.'

Let go of this world and take hold of God with both hands.

To be almost saved is to be totally lost.

I’m a nobody telling everybody about Somebody who can save anybody.

Light refused increases darkness.

A faith that hasn't been tested can't be trusted.

Much of God's will for your life is already found in the Bible.

Don't make decisions by majority vote. The majority is almost always wrong.

It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error.

You cannot obey God without your obedience spilling out in a blessing to all those around you.

The Bible says the fruit of the spirit is longsuffering. I'll tell you one thing about fruit: you will never see a fruit factory. Isn't that right? You see a shirt factory, but you see a fruit orchard. You see, there is no fruit without life. You cannot manufacture patience. The fruit of the Spirit is patience.

Every time you say no to Jesus Christ, it makes it that much harder for you to say yes to Jesus Christ.

I'm not always what I think I am, but I am what I think.

If Satan can't make you bad, he'll make you busy.

You can't just tip your hat to Jesus; you must bow your knee.

Satan can't keep God from answering our prayers, but he will keep us from asking.

The prayer offered to God in the morning during your quiet time is the key that unlocks the door of the day. Any athlete knows that it is the start that ensures a good finish.

Friend, you cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. And what one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government can't give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody. And when half of the people get the idea they don't have to work because the other half's going to take care of them, and when the other half get the idea it does no good to work because somebody's going to get what I work for. That, dear friend, is about the end of any nation.

I am the visible part of the invisible Christ. He is the invisible part of the visible me.

Anything you love more, fear more, serve more, or value more than God is your idol.

You are not saved by your works. You work because youre saved.

It doesn't matter if you please the whole world and don't please Jesus. But if you please Jesus, it doesn't matter whom you displease.

I may be a nut, but I'm fastened to a good bolt, the Lord Jesus Christ.

It's about time we stopped buying things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.

The same Jesus Who turned water into wine can transform your home, your life, your family, and your future. He is still in the miracle-working business, and His business is the business of transformation.

There are those who say that children make a rich man poor. No, they have it backward. Children make a poor man rich. A rich man can't take his riches to heaven, but I'm taking my children

Discipline says, 'I need to.' Duty says, 'I ought to.' Devotion says, 'I want to.'

If your religion has not changed your life, youd better change your religion.

If you have a Bible that’s falling apart, you’ll have a life that’s not.

As Christians, we are to be newsboys and not editors of the gospel.

Unhappiness comes from mirrors. Happiness comes from windows.

The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

God put a cross between you and hell. If you want to go to hell, you will have to crawl over the cross of Jesus.

It has been wisely said that you can take a child of God, put him in a dungeon with a Bible and a candle and lock him away, and he will know more about what's going on in today's world with the Word of God than all the pundits in Washington.

You can trust the Bible. You will never be a great Christian until you come to the unshakable conviction that the Bible is the Word of God.

When you have His joy in your heart, it doesn't necessarily mean your pain or hurt will be taken away. It means you'll be able to bear it.

You can't sweeten the well by painting the pump.

The Word of the Lord endures forever. The Bible is to judge us; we're not to judge the Bible.

Grace is God's acceptance of us. Faith is our acceptance of God accepting us.

Prayer can do anything God can do and God can do anything!

If you need encouragement, give it. If you need love, give it.Whatever you need, give it away.

Satan wants to cripple me and then blame me for limping.

The church is not the way to heaven; the church is the sign that points to heaven.

God only wants for us what we would want for ourselves if we were smart enough to want it.

I believe that a great number of people are going to die and go to hell because they’re counting on their religiosity in the church instead of their relationship with Jesus to get them to heaven. They give lip service to repentance and faith, but they’ve never been born again.

A marriage is not primarily a duet but a holy trio.

If you make your decisions based on comfort, before long you will be uncomfortable.

I believe in miracles, but I trust in Jesus. If you believe the Bible, you know that God is a miracle-working God. And God is not limited in any degree nor any respect. He is totally sovereign. Do you believe that? I hope you do. Believe in miracles, but don’t put your faith in miracles. Put your faith and your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is better to ultimately succeed with the truth than to temporarily succeed with a lie.